Jugohrvatska lažna Wikipedija
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Ova stranica sadrži jedinstvene podatke izvorno nastale u hrvatskom odjelu Wikislavije/Wikinfoa, što su iz sigurnosnih razloga naknadno preneseni i nadopunjavani ovdje, ili u hrvatskoj Metapediji do 2017. godine. Kao jedinstveno autorsko djelo i kao jedini javno dostupan rad u izvornom obliku, stranica je u zatečenom stanju očuvana i trajno zaštićena od bilo kakvoga budućeg uređivanja. |
Jugohrvatska lažna Wikipedija (jugo-unitarci osvajaju bivšu Hrvatsku Wikipediju): Donedavna Hrvatska Wikipedia (hr.wikipedia.org) nastala je od god. 2003, kao unitarna inačica prvotno namjeravane balkanske Jugo-Wikipedije, koja je u izvornom obliku propala jer se njezina matična Jugoslavija u ratu razpala, a s njom je propao i uglavnom nestao umjetno-hibridni srbohrvatski jugo-jezik. Tada je jekavsko-latinična inačica prikupljene jugo-wikipedije formalno proglašena za 'Hrvatsku Wikipediju', a druga ekavsko-ćirilska varijanta je postala Srpskom Wikipedijom, iako izprva njihovi jugoslavistički, većinom još slični članci sve do 2007. nisu bili bitno različiti.
Zato su neki svjesniji i hrvatski usmjereni suradnici iz hr-Wikipedie protestno izašli, pa su u međuvremenu od 2007. do 2010. s njima paralelno osnovane ine naše nacionalne wiki-inačice: Hrvatska WikiSlavia (nedavno ugašena), pa Hrvatska Metapedia i Hrvatski Wikinfo koji rastu sve dosad kao naše posebne wiki-enciklopedie. Napokon je također i izvorna hr.wikipedia.org u međuvremenu osobito od god. 2009. do 2012. ipak poprimala sve jasnije hrvatsko-nacionalne značajke, pa je postupno postajala bar dielom kulturno-jezično i ideopolitički sve više specifičnom spram inih jugo-balkanskih Wikipedija.
Međutim kada od kraja god. 2011, u Hrvatskoj na vlast ponovo dolaze ljevičarski neo-komunisti (partija SDP), zato kod nas počinju od 2012. opet prevladavati stare jugo-balkanske usmjerbe uz ino i u kulturi, a ovo se dosad već odrazilo na našu enciklopedistiku i čak na međunarodni internet glede Hrvata i Hrvatske. Tako od 2013. prvu zakulisnu net-hajku protiv dotadanje "pre-hrvatske" i navodno nacionalističke hr.Wikipedie prvi započinje unitarno-sotonistički portal "Connect", a sliedom te zakulisne iniciative od ljeta 2013. se nastavljaju sve žešći javni napadi lievih unitarista na hr.wikipediu, osobito preko net-portala Facebook.
U toj orkestriranoj unitarnoj ofenzivi konačno se deklariraju i vladajući neo-komunisti, pa lievi ministar znanosti Jovanović od vodstva glavne Wikipedie i međunarodno traži radikalnu reformu ili ukidanje hr.Wikipedie zbog njezinih 'nacionalističko-desničarskih zastranjivanja'. Stvarni razlog te wiki-diverzije je izgleda uže povezan s uništenjem konkurencije, - tj. novim svečanim postavljanjem digitalne Vujićeve enciklopedije JLZa na internetu od 2013, čemu je nedavno i službeno nazočila naša crvena vlada.
Po tim voluntarističko-staljinističkim metodama Wikipedie, njezini glavni čelnici poput zloglasnog KGBa, samovoljno odozgor 'stvaraju' i ukidaju wiki-narode i jezike, na vrlo sličan način kako je to diktatorski činio i J.Dž. Staljin u ranomu SSSR-u, - pa bi slično tomu u dogledno vrijeme mogla neslavno završiti po sličnom wiki-staljinizmu i sva glomazna dinosaurska Wikipedia kao internetski Wiki-SSSR. Stoga takvu lievo-unitarnu iniciativu iz našeg SDP-a dosad dielom prihvaća i glavni čelnik-suvlasnik zajedničke Wikipedie, Jimbo Wales, pa su od listopada 2013. na upravnoj WikiMediji (Meta Wiki) već predložena 3 moguća izlazna rješenja za našu hr.wiki do kraja 2013:
- Kao blaži kompromis: da dosadanji administratori izvrše radikalnu reformu hr.wikipedie, uklanjanjem hrvatskih nacionalizama i desničarskih tzv. 'fašistoidnih' sadržaja i nepodobnih pisaca.
- Kao najvjerojatnije praktično rješenje: cjelokupno izbacivanje svih hr.administratora i dosadanje upravne organizacie hr.wikipedije, pa postavljanje posve nove upravne ekipe (tj. zapravo srbo-unitarne prisilne uprave).
- Manje vjerojatna i najradikalnija reforma: formalno ukidanje posebne hr.wikipedie i njezino hibridno utapanje u zajedničku srbo-hrvatsku Yugo-Wikipediu od god. 2014. - kojom jugounitarnom diverziom bi dosad posebna Hrvatska Wikipedia zapravo prestala postojati, - unatoč istodobne javne činjenice što je u EUniji hrvatski odnedavna službeno prihvaćen posebnim europskim jezikom i što je ovaj i u svjetskoj bibliografiji UN-a i službeno registriran kao posebni slavenski jezik u književnosti !
- Wiki-Stallin creating/abolishing nations & languages in Wikipedias !.
- 1 Abstract
- 2 Protuhrvatski prevrat WikiMedie
- 2.1 Notifications about this page
- 2.2 Question by Croq
- 2.3 Thumbs up from Jimbo
- 2.4 Hr wiki notification...
- 2.5 Who will moderate this?
- 2.6 What about off-wiki activities?
- 2.7 Conversation with
- 2.8 Just a moment
- 2.9 Order of sections on the Content evidence page
- 2.10 What happens once evidence gathering is complete?
- 3 Poveznice
- 4 Reference
Yugo-Croat false Wikipedia (Yugo-unitarians occupied the former Croatian Wikipedia):
. . .
Protuhrvatski prevrat WikiMedie
Ovdje se za dokumentaciju toga protuhrvatskog idejno-jezičnog prevrata, po GNU licenci prenose zlonamjerne diskusije iz zajedničke WikiMedie (Meta Wiki = Wikipedia's Upper Soviet), usmjerene na namjeravani ideološki i jezično-personalni preokret u smislu unitarno-balkanskog gušenja dosad posebne - iako razmjerno umjerene Hrvatske Wikipedije, tj. njenim ponovnim pretvaranjem u bezlični srboidni prirepak inih jugo-balkanskih Wikipedija, kako slijedi (po engleskom izvorniku iz listopada 2013):
Notifications about this page
The purpose of this section is to keep track of who was notified about these pages, by whom, when, and why. This follows the recommended. Please do not archive this section. Miranche (talk) 22:40, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
Specific canvassing considerations for this page were discussed here. Please feel free to start a new talk topic if you believe there are issues that have not been properly met by this discussion, or if you believe any of the following notifications were improper. Miranche (talk) 04:06, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
- sh:Korisnik:Seiya [1]. Notified about moving Seiya's premature submissions to the new page format, encouraged to continue contributing. Miranche (talk) 08:00, 27 September 2013 (CEST).
- User:Sj [2] Notified about moving Sj's premature contributions to the new page format, and asked for feedback on the pages. Miranche (talk) 17:34, 27 September 2013 (UTC)
- User:Wikiwind [3] Asked for feedback on this page due to previous involvement on the talk page. Miranche (talk) 17:36, 27 September 2013 (UTC)
- Meta:AN [4], notified that the effort is starting, mentioned that the pages are at risk of vandalism, and asked for general advice. Miranche (talk) 23:02, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- Bosnian Wikipedia's village pump [5] Invited all interested parties to submit and comment on evidence. GregorB (talk) 23:25, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia's village pump [6] Invited all interested parties to submit and comment on evidence. GregorB (talk) 23:25, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- Serbian Wikipedia's village pump [7] Invited all interested parties to submit and comment on evidence. GregorB (talk) 23:25, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- Croatian Wikipedia's village pump [9] Invited all interested parties to submit and comment on evidence. Miranche (talk) 00:06, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
- [10], notified that the effort is starting, and that there are reservations about it expressed on meta:AN. Miranche (talk) 00:17, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
- Changed the notice in the original discussion section on RfC [11]. Will later add a new section to RfC noting the page is open. Miranche (talk) 04:46, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
- Added bilingual announcement to RfC [12]. Miranche (talk) 18:56, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
- Re-posted the annoucement on hr.wiki village pump [13]. The other was archived with all other discussions in the month of September. Miranche (talk) 21:10, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Invited all interested parties to submit and comment on evidence in the WikiProject Croatia's talk page.[14] GregorB (talk) 20:39, 6 October 2013 (UTC)
- After several users remarked on the unilingual nature of the RfC page, added a visible announcement on top of RfC [15]. Miranche (talk) 23:41, 4 October 2013 (UTC)
- Re-posted the announcement on bs.wiki village pump after the original announcement was archived. [16] Miranche (talk) 22:43, 8 October 2013 (UTC)
Question by Croq
Just a little question: Who are you Miranche ??? Admin, employee of Wikimedia ??--Croq (talk) 21:04, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
- Croq, thanks for the question. I am a Wikipedian who wants this circus to be resolved as reasonably as possible, and based on some kind of understanding of what's actually happening rather than on he-said-she-said and mutual mudslinging. In real life I have experience with writing and administering questionnaires, which I hope will help in this effort.
- If you are also asking (as I think you might be) what gives me or anyone else the right or authority to start this process, the short answer is, Wikipedia/Wikimedia policies and guidelines. The long answer I gave to Kubura here. The gist of it is, this process is not mine or anyone else's but it's run by consensus by people who want to help in doing so.
- Welcome to the discussion. Miranche (talk) 22:14, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
- If I had conflicts with admins or "structures of power" in German Wiki I could start campaign in Facebook, collect some "I like´s", ask a journalist to write something critical in a newspaper and start activity like this one in meta? Right? Should we try an experiment doing that, as a kind of a precedent? I have some ideas... Should not be an issue. There are surely many people in all the wikis around the world who could do it in this way. But what would this mean for this project in general? --Croq (talk) 06:58, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
Of course you´re not campaigning. For me it´s not a problem to list difflinks (translated into English). That´s what those who started the that hate speech campaign against hr:wiki admins should have being done first, to prove what they say. What I tried to explain is the way how the guys started the hate campaign and that this could be repeated for political reasons also in other wikis. With attacks on persons (admins) by putting names and pictures in media an shouting out "..."that ones are fascists, or Nazis and misusing wiki for this and that propaganda.. or whatever ." Everybody who checks the admin´s user contributions knows very well that this admins are no Nazis, Fascists or Comunists. By the way, the guy who started the edit war in hr wiki after which followed the hate campaign was "Dobar Skroz" https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posebno:Doprinosi/DobarSkroz . Any idea what means this chosen name? Please take a look here: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2646/3960517036_27c048e162_o.jpg .I think more and more that that's´a job for the Law enforcement agency. Kind regards --Croq (talk) 16:21, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- If it's a job for the "law enforcement agency", why are you posting it here? What are we supposed to do about it? GregorB (talk) 17:45, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Croq, this isn't about Facebook group nor about media hype. Forget about those two, since that is completely out of topic here. This is about misusing admin rights and violating wikipedia rules and guidelines. Get it? Good. Now we can start. --Ante Perkovic (talk)
Gregor, of course it´s not about us to do anything about the hate campaign. The Law enforcement agency can only investigate against the creators of the hate speech campaign. I am very curious now to see where admin rights were misised from Ante´s point of view. Now you can start.--Croq (talk) 19:59, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- In my humble opinion Croq just violated rule w:WP:LEGAL--DobarSkroz (talk) 08:18, 3 October 2013 (UTC)
- I was away for almost 4 years, and Seiya and others already wrote most of the recent examples I knew about. I think the bigger problem is their off-wiki activities, but I'm not sure Jimbo or whoever will wan't to investigate that. It's up to users of Croatian wikipedia who personally experienced mind-washing on IRC to begin to understand who are they dealing with and what mind tricks they play on them. --Ante Perkovic (talk) 20:10, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
"Think global, act local". Investigation? Seems more to be a kind of a "Witch-hunt". But do what you want to do. In my opinion "...act local..." --Croq (talk) 20:40, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
Thumbs up from Jimbo
[17] Miranche (talk) 22:21, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
Hr wiki notification...
...has been archived. Nothing untoward really, Kafić is archived on the 1st day of every month, which means that in this particular case the notification has been visible for less than 24 hours. I'd suggest posting it again. (In fact, I'd even ask if it would be possible to create a site notice.) I have a slight hunch that this will not be exactly welcomed, though, but I don't think that outright refusal is acceptable. GregorB (talk) 18:29, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Feel free to put it back. As I remember from my 2005-2010 days there, archiving procedure included cut and paste of new discussions back into main "kafić" page. Someone propably "forgot" to do it this time. --Ante Perkovic (talk) 19:06, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- As a matter of fact I can't (at least not in an easy way), because GregorB username belongs to someone else there, and I can't post as an IP because the page is semi-protected. Such action BTW carries a certain risk of getting blocked, but whoever would do such a thing might very easily get desysopped and/or blocked himself. GregorB (talk) 19:41, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Whoever removes that from "kafić" will get nice personal paragraph at Requests for comment/2013 issues on Croatian Wikipedia/Evidence/Content :)). --Ante Perkovic (talk) 20:31, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Forgot about WikiProject Croatia. This one is on me, I'll post a note there tomorrow. GregorB (talk) 21:51, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
Who will moderate this?
Before we start, we need to ensure that this conversation will not be flooded with endless off-topic monologues of users like Kubura, Mir Harven or Croq who will try to portray this as a part of some serbo-neocommunist-masonic conspiracy. All off-topic rantings must be deleted without mercy! Who will moderate this and ensure that discussion is on-topic? --Ante Perkovic (talk) 19:19, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- This potential problem has been discussed, see "Notifications vs Canvassing" section in Archive 1 (Beginning with "The invitation has to be carefully worded, and I see a problem here", etc). I'd say talk page is no holds barred, let people say what they want to say, but the actual evidence pages may become saturated with various rants, and this is a real danger. Miranche and I are watching the pages - so far so good... GregorB (talk) 19:34, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Here is the link to the discussion, or just search for "carefully" in the archive. To get to my own take on trolling, search for "cautiously." Hmm, I see a theme developing here :)
- By the way, we have already started. Miranche (talk) 22:15, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
What about off-wiki activities?
The biggest problem of CW is not blocks or harsh language but extreme by user:Roberta F. and user:SpeedyGonsales. Roberta F. is very good in helping newcomers, especial on IRC, but unfortunately, she is misusing confidence she earns that way. In 2009., she was blocked by Arbitration comity for slandering people she found dangerous to her position. SpeedyGonsales is owner of IRC channel (at least he was in 2009.) and he and Roberta F. even blocked other admin (user:Dalibor Bosits) from official IRC channel in 2009!
They are basically controling wikipedia from outside the pages! For example, every time some people from outside their circle tried to push some initiative, they insisted on consensus, calling people to come to IRC channel, and then used meat-puppets there to discourage any proposal. On the other side, whenever Speedy and Roberta come with an idea, they say it was agreed on IRC or something like that.
I don't want to go into details, because there are people who knows much more about this, but I just wanted to point out that there is more to this issue then just blocks and articles! --Ante Perkovic (talk) 20:00, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- Ante, welcome to the discussion! The point of this page is IMO to document all that can be documented by looking at article histories, and that's really difficult to do with meatpuppetry. There are indications -- for example, in surfing on hr.wiki about this mess I saw Flopy, in explaining why he quit ArbCom, mentioning offline pressure from others. So if you or anyone else can dig up such indications, they go under Conduct. If not, it has to happen somewhere else, because the purpose of this page is limited, for better or worse, to whatever can be documented using publicly available data. Miranche (talk) 21:01, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- (edit conflict) I suspected this was (and still is) a problem. (Last week I had a WTF moment when I saw this - granted, that was 2006, but still...) In hr wiki, it appears that the problem is even broader than meatpuppetry: it's tag-teaming (see section "Tag team characteristics" - isn't that just a little bit like hr wiki?)
- However, diffs are "where the rubber meets the road" - whatever a group of people decides off-wiki, they must act on-wiki to make it work. The diffs are there and I believe they will be sufficient. I may be subjective here, but I'd say our submissions on SG are already sufficient to desysop him on the spot, after just a couple of days. GregorB (talk) 21:09, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
Thats Off topic, Ante.´Sounds like a divorce court negotiation. Better to concentrate in difflinks which proof that the admins are spreading Nazi/fascist propaganda. --Croq (talk) 21:18, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
Conversation with
left a long message on my, to which I responded as fully as I could, time permitting. GregorB and anyone else, please feel free to pitch in. The most important consideration that I think can use a second opinion is whether or not the announcements on bs, sh, sr Wikipedias comprised canvassing. Miranche (talk) 23:24, 1 October 2013 (UTC)Hypocrisy. Nothing new from Kubura. From Kubura's point of view it OK to rally hr.wiki editors to go on en.wiki or English Wiktionary. And Wikiwind and me are among the last editors on sr.wiki who can be labelled as nationalists. Btw, how deep in past we should go and how many entries would be necessary? We can dig dozens of articles. Some of them are exposed on Facebook-- Bojan Talk 04:22, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
- BokicaK, I understand your frustration and share some of it. Certainly in this context I don't think it makes sense to get into the discussion either about particular edits you've made on hr.wiki (as I replied to Kubura), or those that hr.wiki editors have made on en.wiki (outside of the Conduct page). But points about principle which are made reasonably deserve a reasoned reply, and if you believe both that they're done in bad faith and that there isn't any other way to respond to them but claiming bad faith, an argument why you think this is so. If not, IMO it's better to not address them at all than waste one's energy on bickering.
- If there's progress to be made in this mess with reason & information rather than through a bar brawl, please let's do so. In this regard I think it's crucial to get as much evidence onto these pages as possible. This includes taking the examples off Facebook, where they're non-transparent and in a strictly POV context, dating them, and sorting them onto these pages, as much as we can. I started on a couple of them, I know it's lots of work. GregorB & I suggested to give it a month. We'll see how far we get.
- With this in mind, thank you for your contributions to the evidence pages! Miranche (talk) 05:22, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
- I read his message. Kubura makes some good points and some not-so-good points. E.g. the point about the translations is a good one, so let me address it right away: I think anyone who is the subject of a given submission (i.e. it discusses him or his actions) and is not sufficiently fluent in English is entitled to a translation of the submission and related comments upon request. I'm willing to translate these personally.
- Regarding to 30-day deadline: less than that and there maybe won't be enough time for everyone to gather evidence and submit (it is a lot of work). More than that may only be worse for the accused, as they will have to follow the discussion for an even longer time period. I'd say 30 days for submissions is OK (I'd be perfectly willing to discuss a possible extension, though), and we could even make it 60 days for comments.
- That's my thinking right off the bat, I'll respond to Kubura in the evening, time permitting. GregorB (talk) 09:23, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
Just a moment
But just FYI please find below what wrote Prof. Neven Budak: http://www.novossti.com/2013/09/neven-budak-necemo-obrazovati-samo-za-trziste-rada/
Citat gosp. Prof. Budaka: : ""Nitko nije radio ozbiljnu analizu hrvatske Wikipedije, pa se ne može dati ni neki meritorniji sud, ali dojam je da je taj broj devijantnih članaka vrlo mali u odnosu na ukupnu hrvatsku Wikipediju i da to nije neki ozbiljniji problem Wikipedije. Naravno, trebalo bi naći načina da se tekstovi koji iznose evidentne neistine ne mogu pojavljivati na Wikipediji. "
My translation into German for the German native speakers (as my English is insufficient):
Niemand hat die kroatische Wikipedia ernsthaft analysiert so dass man kein maßgebendes Urteil abgeben kann jedoch besteht der Eindruck dass im Verhältnis zur Gesamtzahl der Artikel der Anteil der Artikel mit inhaltlich von allgemein akzeptierten Normen abweichenden Inhalten sehr gering ist und daß dies kein ernsthaftes Problem der kroatischen Wikipedia darstellt. Natürlich sollten wir Wege finden, um Texte, die offensichtliche Unwahrheiten beinhalten nicht auf der auf Wikipedia erscheinen...
"As everybody should be informed about this, could please somebody translate in English? Maybe Miranche? --Croq (talk) 19:56, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
"Noone has made a serious analysis of the Croatian Wikipedia, therefore a more meritory judgement cannot be passed, but the impression is that the number of deviant articles is very small in relation to the entire Croatian Wikipedia and that this is not a serious wikipedia problem. Of course, it should be so arranged that texts which contain obvious untruths could not be published on Wikipedia." Evo. I zašto bi ova neinformirana izjava očito slabo informiranog čovjeka bila bitna?
- Croq and, Dr. Budak gave a nuanced answer and the entire paragraph is worth reading, and in fact it sounds quite different with the parts Croq left out. But IMO his statement is relevant to encyclopedic articles, so w:Croatian Wikipedia#2013 controversy, etc., not to this page. Miranche (talk) 22:53, 2 October 2013 (UTC)
Order of sections on the Content evidence page
Question -- how is the order of sections working out in the "Sorted submissions" part of the Content page? I was going to reorder it alphabetically but I realize it may make sense for people to add new entries at the end, so it's obvious which are the newest. Thoughts? Miranche (talk) 15:58, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- It is easier to edit in the end of the section rather than in the middle, and it is not to hard to find stuff regardless.
- Possibly a bigger problem is an inevitable overlap between Content and Conduct: currently the Conduct page is "incomplete", because serious individual lapses described under Content are not mentioned. Perhaps just pointers (basic info, with description such as "See [link to foobar at Content]"?
- This brings us to another looming question, which I'm going to describe in the following section. GregorB (talk) 16:21, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Ok, agreed on the order. As far as overlap goes, I've hinted at it in the instructions: I think it's perfectly fine to have the same incident both in Content & in Conduct, as long as we note so, and I've been preparing to do this with User:Joy's contribution to Conduct from last week [19]. Miranche (talk) 17:17, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
What happens once evidence gathering is complete?
One third of the way into the evidence gathering window, I have very little doubt that the evidence is actionable. There are several options (I have identified three). Depending on which option we focus on, there may be a need to gather additional evidence or structure the existing evidence in a slightly different way. GregorB (talk) 16:28, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- The options are:
- Hr wiki action against individual admins
- Wikimedia action against individual admins
- Project restart
- I think it is fairly obvious now that #1 is not going to work.
- For options #2 or #3 we need to demonstrate:
- Major and continuous admin misconduct
- Content problems resulting from such misconduct
- The community's inability to replace the admins due to suppression of dissenting editors (blocks and/or harassment)
- This is a three-prong test, and while succeeding in demonstrating all three does not really guarantee anything at this point, failing to demonstrate any single one of these three may doom the entire process. Of course, #1 is Conduct, #2 is Content, and I think it's crucial to provide #3. Thoughts? GregorB (talk) 16:51, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Well, I'm not sure if this page is the best forum to discuss what to do with the evidence, although I agree that it's compelling, as well as with your analysis. Personally I'd like this process to continue & gather another layer (or three) of evidence. In fact, since I've been responding to questions on hr.wiki & categorizing Fb group posts, I haven't had a chance to submit another batch of content & conduct I find objectionable. And talking about the hr.wiki community's ability to deal with this (as well as about questionable blocks), what's your take on Rjecina2's goodbye message, especially its second to the last paragraph ("Pošto...")? [20] Miranche (talk) 17:45, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- This is not a bad venue to discuss, although it is a bad venue to decide (obviously, we can't possibly decide anything of the sort here). This is important because someone will ultimately get in a position to decide. My line of thinking is as follows: if I didn't know better, the first question I'd ask would be "if the admins are as bad as you claim, how come they weren't deposed by the community". The #3 above (say, a list of people who were banned or quit due to conflicts with the admins) would answer that question. GregorB (talk) 19:29, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Many users were blocked because they criticized admins. Usual excuse was "personal attack" or something like that, so proofs of intimidating the opposition will be quite easy to list. --Argo Navis (talk) 19:36, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Gregor, fair enough. Here's my take on the three courses of action you mention:
- Hr wiki action -- I wouldn't write it off. It would be good to see whether anyone at hr.wiki can use this evidence page as an asset, and Argo's comments suggest there's a chance of this. IMO the lower the level at which immediate action is taken the better.
- Wikimedia action -- IMO still may be desirable even if something changes on hr.wiki, as the situation seems truly without precedent and needs to be understood. This is why I think it'd be useful for this process to run its course, regardless of what happens on hr.wiki.
- Project restart -- only if it's shown that the situation is truly at an impasse.
- Miranche (talk) 20:37, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- The order of these three options is indeed by decreasing desirability. Still (to use legal terms), while going straight to #2 may look like forum shopping, going to #1, failing, and then going to #2 may look like double jeopardy (and will require doubled effort). GregorB (talk) 20:56, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Gregor, fair enough. Here's my take on the three courses of action you mention:
- Many users were blocked because they criticized admins. Usual excuse was "personal attack" or something like that, so proofs of intimidating the opposition will be quite easy to list. --Argo Navis (talk) 19:36, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- This is not a bad venue to discuss, although it is a bad venue to decide (obviously, we can't possibly decide anything of the sort here). This is important because someone will ultimately get in a position to decide. My line of thinking is as follows: if I didn't know better, the first question I'd ask would be "if the admins are as bad as you claim, how come they weren't deposed by the community". The #3 above (say, a list of people who were banned or quit due to conflicts with the admins) would answer that question. GregorB (talk) 19:29, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- I'm not sure what can be done on croatian wikipedia, but translating these evidence pages, even without corresponding comments, would might prove useful, one way or another. --Argo Navis (talk) 18:32, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- I think we should try to get some response from admins accused of misconduct. They should at least clearly say if they want to participate in examining the evidence here on Meta or they will just ignore the process. If they decide to participate in this process, then they should answer the accusations mentioned in evidence. If not, we will at least speed up the process. --Argo Navis (talk) 19:19, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Well, I'm not sure if this page is the best forum to discuss what to do with the evidence, although I agree that it's compelling, as well as with your analysis. Personally I'd like this process to continue & gather another layer (or three) of evidence. In fact, since I've been responding to questions on hr.wiki & categorizing Fb group posts, I haven't had a chance to submit another batch of content & conduct I find objectionable. And talking about the hr.wiki community's ability to deal with this (as well as about questionable blocks), what's your take on Rjecina2's goodbye message, especially its second to the last paragraph ("Pošto...")? [20] Miranche (talk) 17:45, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Argo, glad to hear that people on hr.wiki haven't given up hope :) Correct me if I'm wrong, your suggestion is basically to translate the "Description" section in every submission, as the header info is relatively short & you think we can do without comments, for now at least. If this is correct, there's still a lot to translate and there'll be more, so it poses the issue of logistics -- how to go about it:
- Invite people who submitted the info to translate it themselves. I can definitely translate what I've submitted.
- Ask people to volunteer to do so, which could be done on Kafić.
- Gregor mentioned in his on my hr page he'd be ready to translate specific info, and I know I would too. But there's a lot and if only a small number of people end up doing it, I can say for myself I'd like to get a sense of priorities, in other words, which submissions would be the most useful to be translated first.
- By the way, the convenient but grim fact is that if anyone who tries to discuss this info openly gets blocked, we'll have (more) evidence for Gregor's #3 above. Miranche (talk) 20:04, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- I just got back to editing hr wiki after 3.5 years of ignoring it, so I'll stick to patrolling and adding wiki-links for now :). Also, I'm short on time :-/. --Argo Navis (talk) 20:24, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Regarding the notification, the hr wiki admins presumably know about this discussion (notified through Kafić). At least some of them (e.g. SG) are sufficiently fluent in English to understand it and respond. Initially I thought they'll be all over it, but they have completely ignored it thus far. (I have a hunch what may have transpired, but it doesn't matter one way or the other.) Anyway, I feel it would be OK to invite them individually, and my translation offer here on Meta still stands. About hr - not sure at the moment, will think about it. GregorB (talk) 20:42, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- BTW, Argo Navis, I really appreciate your comments here, every bit of information and advice is welcome. And rekindling of some good old wiki fire is never a bad thing (except perhaps when one is short on time, alas!) :-) GregorB (talk) 20:59, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Well, I don't think a hunch is needed re: what transpired on hr.wiki. From the comments on Kafić and my user page my sense is that, sadly, hr.wiki admins have likely decided to boycott the process which (a) they had no significant involvement initiating, (b) doesn't happen on hr.wiki, and (c) still happens largely in English. There's more, but we can do something about (c).
- Argo, yes, thank you very much for your comments, and any assistance or advice on how to facilitate translation would be appreciated. As we all have little time, I do think it may be a good idea to ask people who submitted the info if they're willing to translate their descriptions. Miranche (talk) 21:14, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- I just got back to editing hr wiki after 3.5 years of ignoring it, so I'll stick to patrolling and adding wiki-links for now :). Also, I'm short on time :-/. --Argo Navis (talk) 20:24, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
- Argo, glad to hear that people on hr.wiki haven't given up hope :) Correct me if I'm wrong, your suggestion is basically to translate the "Description" section in every submission, as the header info is relatively short & you think we can do without comments, for now at least. If this is correct, there's still a lot to translate and there'll be more, so it poses the issue of logistics -- how to go about it:
- And yeah, finally, Rjecina2's words are indeed cryptic. It looks like something's going on behind the scenes. Whether these words have something to do with ongoing admin elections and the absence of the "usual suspects" from this venue, we can only speculate... GregorB (talk) 21:07, 10 October 2013 (UTC)
Let me also say that there is a significant difference between the first two options and the option #3: what happens to banned editors? Under #1 and #2, they stay banned; the community may reconsider their bans on an individual basis, but the community seems to be crippled right now. Under #3, all bans become void. GregorB (talk) 11:35, 11 October 2013 (UTC)
Must say I'm disappointed. It is already fifth week since this controverdy begun, and nobody in WMF investigated our well-backed claims on very serious irregularities such as using Wikipedia as soapbox, violations of BLP, blatant historical revisionism, poorly sourced articles and original research, driving people crazy and blocking users who have opposing views under silly pretext, stalking, ignoring non-free image policy... Current CW only brings damage to whole Wikipedia. -- Bojan Talk 15:55, 11 October 2013 (UTC)
- Yes, I must say I expected a more active approach by the WMF. Still, I believe that solid evidence speaks for itself, and that, once the process is finished, things will begin to unravel. GregorB (talk) 17:35, 11 October 2013 (UTC)
- To be the devil's advocate, what we have now, while compelling, is IMO still vulnerable to criticism that one could dig into any Wikipedia's edit history and cherrypick examples to discredit some of the more prominent admins. However, I think chances are ever slimmer that anyone would make this argument in good faith. The question then becomes, is this evidence sufficient to convince a skeptical outsider? Could anyone suggest a skeptical outsider to ask?
- In any case, another layer or three of evidence can't hurt. BokicaK, I agree this is frustrating, but as GregorB said, the bottom line is that solid evidence speaks for itself -- and rock solid evidence speaks even better. Also I may be wrong, but realistically speaking even with solid evidence any comprehensive action on WMF level such as project restart may take months. It would certainly require figuring out what precedents are being set etc.
- With this in mind, I think it'd be a good idea to take up the suggestion to translate the "Description" paragraphs into Croatian, so that the Evidence pages are more transparent at hr.wiki. Despite the relative lack of involvement of hr.wiki admins & editors on these pages, they're the ones who'll be the most affected by whatever eventually happens, so it can't hurt to make the info better accessible. After all, we did start these pages with the aim to be bilingual.
- Finally, GregorB, I think it's early to speculate what happens to banned editors if #1 or #2 happens until such time that #1 or #2 starts happening :) Whatever happens I do agree it'll be important to advocate lifting all bans on editors other than obvious vandals and proven sockpuppeteers. Miranche (talk) 21:24, 11 October 2013 (UTC)
solid as the livesand. LOL. This is not math. This is the social science. --Anto (talk) 16:43, 12 October 2013 (UTC)
- This works for me and I think is appropriate in this case. Any alternative suggestions? Miranche (talk) 22:25, 12 October 2013 (UTC)
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