Palagružko otočje

Izvor: Metapedia
(Preusmjereno s Palagruža)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži


( - engl. prievod u tieku - )


Palagružko otočje (jadranski otoci V. i M. Palagruža i okolni pučinski otočići): Palagruža (domaće-čakavski: Pelagruzja, grč. Pelargoussa, latin. i talij. Pelagosa), je pučinsko otočje od desetak bliskih otoka i otočića nasred otvorene pučine Jadranskog mora, na hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana 68 milja južno od Splita. Nalazi se administrativno u općini Komiža, u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Granične zemljopisne koordinate tog akvatorija su N = 42°20' - 42°25’, E = 16°14' - 16°22’. Palagruški otoci sadrže na zapadu glavni otok Vela Palagruža s većim svjetionikom, a jugoistočno u blizini je klisurasti otok Mala Palagruža visoka 51m i uz nju na istoku veći klisurasti otok Tarmuntona (29 m) i na jugoistoku još strmi piramidalni otok Ološtra (Kamik palagruški, 23m). Sjeverno od M. Palagruže još je otočić Kunj, istočno Pupak i jugozapadno niski otočići Baba i Gaće, a zapadno od V. Palagruže je grupa stjenovitih otočića Volići. Dalje na jugoistoku 3 milje od Palagruže je niži plosnati otočić Galijula i još kilometar na jugoistoku kameni greben Olevonta (najjužnija točka Hrvatske).

Vegetacija sušnih pučinskih otoka srednjeg Jadrana je donedavna bila fitocenološki slabo poznata, jer je pri oskudnim oborinama uz 6 - 9 mjeseci suše (290-360 mm) uglavnom proučena u najlošijem stanju sušnog ljeta, pa su mnoge vrste i zajednice preskočene i nezamjećene, a morske fitocenoze su osim flornih popisa alga tu skoro neistražene. Takodjer su osim Vele Palagruže, okolnih 5 otoka (i nedaleki Sušac) botanički donedavna bili uglavnom nepoznati. Zato su ova dopunska istraživanja forsirana u optimalno kišno doba tj. zimi, a opravdani rezultat su nalazi 16 dodatnih alga i još 62 kopnenih biljnih vrsta na otocima, te prvi suvisli pregledi flora za neistražene pučinske otoke Mala Palagruža, Tarmuntona, Ološtra, Galijula i za slični Sušac u paralelnom članku Flora Sušca. Nakon toga, okolno podmorje sadrži 337 biljnih vrsta, a na Palagruži ukupno raste 282 vrsta kopnenog bilja i na Maloj Palagruži 47 vrsta, dok su 13 nadjenih južnih kserofita novi za cijelu Hrvatsku. U vegetaciji je nadjeno 35 fitocenoza, od toga 23 morskih, pa je sad Palagruža medju fitocenološki najbolje proučenim otocima Jadrana. Najraširenija vegetacija palagruških otoka su ljetopadne južne šikare (subtropske restinge) kao na jugu Španjolske i sjeverna Afrika: Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis, Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis i Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis, dok mediteranske tvrdolisne makije (Oleo-Ceratonion) tu uglavnom izostaju osim posadjenog lovora.

  • Ključne riječi: Jadran, otoci, bentos, zonacija, alge, kserofiti, endemi, fenologija, fitocenoze.

Vegetacija Palagruže (flora kserofita, fitocenoze i fitobentos): Ova originalna studija se kao otvoreni izvornik, dozvolom auktora može slobodno kopirati uz citat bez izmjena.

   WikiFLORA ADRIATICA: dr. A.-Z. Lovric, Herbarium Adriaticum - ADRZ 2001, Selcina 10, Zagreb-Sesvete, HR-10360, Croatia
   A.Ž. Lovric & M. Rac: Flora and synecology in remote islets Palagruža, and near benthos in central Adriatic offing.
   reprinted in: Periodicum Biologorum 105 / 4: 413 - 428, Zagreb 2003.  


Palagruža (Pelagosa): This remote island amid Adriatic offing is surrounded by dozen islets and skerry reefs. It is 1,400 m long and 310m wide with 0.4 km surface, built of calcareous breccia and conglomerate with some gypsum inclusions. Palagruža is a rocky ridge in W - E direction, culminating westwards by Kapić hill (105 m); its NW. and southern shores are mostly abrupt with sea-cliffs 60 to 100m high; along northern and SE. coast oblique rocky slopes prevail, and 3 minor inlets occur in southern, NW., and NE. shore. Human impact is scarce there, and the unique habitation is a phare and meteorological station on upper ridge of Palagruža, whose employees here are the unique inhabitants; the main visitors of Palagruža islets are fishermen from port Komiža in island Vis. The climate of Palagruža is semiarid and the driest one in Adriatic, with 290 mm/year only, including winter rains and 7 dry months. The year average of temperatures is 16.3C, and absolute minimum was -4.3C with rare frosts. Its pedology is correlated with dry climate, and it is different from other Adriatic islands because here prevail xeric alkaline soils (yerma) with a calcareous crust, and Mediterranean terra rossa is nearly absent. Other remarkable vegetated islets eastwards of main Palagruža occur: Molo-Palagruža (41m tall), Tarmuntona (29 m), Kamik-Ološtra (23 m), and the easternmost Galiula (11 m).

Other vegetated islets Tarmuntona, Ološtra, and Kunj are abrupt cliffy ridges, and they are hardly accessible; the easternmost isolated islet Galiula is a subhorizontal rocky plate. Due to modest altitude of all islets amid stormy offing, they have an aerosaline microclimate with abundant halophytes, and on them the richest seabird colonies of Dalmatia are nesting: Calonectris, Hydrobates, Larus, Phalacrocorax, Puffinus, Sterna, etc. The minute islet Sika-Olevonta (2m tall) in southeast of Galiula is the southernmost Dalmatian isle. Open seafloors around Palagruža and near Galiula are almost rocky with abrupt slopes. Southward nearshore bottoms reach the depths 90m to 120m; northward ones descend 120m to 150m deep, and the maximal nearshore depths to 170m are at NE. side of Galiula islet. Eastwards of islet Galiula and reef Olevonta, bathyal seafloors descend gradually toward the deepest abyssal trench of southern Adriatic. Between Palagruža and Galiula occur large shallow banks Kanonik, Šporka, Milura, Bacva, and others built of calcified Corallinaceae, and there are the most luxuriant sites of coralligene so far known in Adriatic. The ecological effects of offing with strong waves and deep bottom currents anywhere in Adriatic shores are not so evident as at Palagruža and Galiula, resulting there by the most luxuriant phytobenthos of Adriatic.

Palagruža's vegetation: xeric flora, phytocenoses and phytobenthos. The vegetation of minor remote islands in Adriatic offing was scarcely studied in general surveys, and their marine phytocenoses were unknown. In Palagruža islets so far was available a list of algae without details on their ecology and phytocenoses. For its land vegetation only a partial list of summer flora was available, and nothing on island phytocenoses. The main goal of actual paper is to present the zoning of benthic and insular phytocenoses and their synecology related to climate and hydrodynamism, with some addenda to complete local floral list in optimal rainy season. Present survey of benthic and land vegetation is the result of field studies in remote islets Palagruža, Tarmuntona, Ološtra, Kunj, and Galiula on central Adriatic offing, in optimal rainy season from 1979 to 1999. The shallow bottom to 5m was prospected along the shores, and deeper to 20m in selected contrasting profiles.

In the studied phytobenthos at Palagruža islets, we registered recently 16 additional algae, and now its completed benthic flora has 337 taxa: 215 rhodophytes (64 %), 76 pheophytes (23 %), 42 chlorophytes (12 %), and 1 seagrass (Posidonia), with a R/P ratio of 2.83. In winter flora of dry Palagruža we now registered 62 additional taxa, and now its land flora has 282 vascular taxa, including 13 southern xerophytes new to entire Croatian flora. Its flora is of average richness among similar Adriatic islands, and by composition it is the closest one to dry island Sušac eastwards. Island vegetation of Palagruža is the most xeric one in Adriatic archipelago, including 7 altitudinal and benthic belts with 15 terrestrial communities and 24 marine ones. Coralligene complex with 32 calcified algae at Palagruža is the most luxuriant one in Adriatic, and strong bottom currents are marked by 4 specialized phytocenoses. Due to local semiarid climate with scarce winter rains of 290 mm/year and 7 dry months, evergreen maquis of Oleo-Ceratonion in Palagruža is restricted to fresh northern slope, and elsewhere xeric summer-deciduous scrub predominates: Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis, Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis, and Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis, comparable with xeric vegetation in dry SE. Spain and northern Africa.

  • Keywords: Adriatic, islands, benthos, zoning, algae, xerophytes, endemics, phytocenoses, phenology

Vela Palagruža

Vela Palagruža (domaće-čakav. Velo Palagruzja, talij. Pelagosa Grande) je uski klisurasti greben u smjeru istok-zapad s vrhom Kaštil (105m), a svjetionik je na 92m. Dužina otoka je 1.400m i širina do 350m, a površina 2860 ha i dužina obale 3.680m. Uglavnom je gradjen od mezozojskih dolomita s nešto gipsa na južnoj strani. Većinom ima nedostupne obale sa strmim stijenama i dvije manje pješčane uvale, Zola na jugu i Stora Vlaka na sjeverozapadu. Na zapadu otok završava rtom Kapić i na istoku rtom Mondefust. Blizu obala u produžetku Palagruže je još desetak nižih 'školjića', tj. kameni otočići visine 2m - 7m koje često prelijeva olujno jugo pa su goli bez halofita: na zapadu 3 školja Volići (tal. Manzo) i najzapadnije Pupak (Olvolići, tal. Ponpano), a na istoku školji Nina i Cufi uz rt Mondefust.

Mala Palagruža

Mala Palagruža (domaće-čakav. Molo-Palagruzja, talij. Pelagosa Piccola), je nenaseljeni otočić istočno od Vele Palagruže na središnjoj pučini Jadrana. Visoka je 51m, površina otoka je 27 hektara (0,027 km²), a dužina obalne crte iznosi 890m. Na klisurastoj M. Palagruži je jedina dostupna uvala sa žalom Medvidina na istočnoj obali, dok su ini susjedni otočići (dva Kamika) teško dostupni, strmi i klisurasti. Palagruški biljni endemi najviše rastu upravo na Maloj Palagruži i susjednoj Tarmuntoni.

Palagruška 2 Kamika

Ranije je Mala Palagruža bila veća kao pola Vele Palagruže i imala je račvasti oblik slova V otvoren na istok. Zbog trošnije gradje flišolikih breča i lapora, kao i krajnje izloženosti pučinskim valovima najjačeg juga, M. Palagruža se postupno smanjuje i dosad se već razdvojila na 3 manja strma otočića: na jugozapadu je ostala veća M. Palagruža, pa na istoku 2 manja Kamika (talij. Sasso) i na sjeverozapadu strmi najmanji Kunj.


Tarmuntona (sjeverni Kamik, talij. Sasso di Tramontana) leži uz palagruški rt Batuda, preko uskog tjesnaca Velo Zdrilo na sjeveroistoku M. Palagruže. To je veličinom i visinom treći otok palagruške skupine površinom sličan Galijuli, ali teško dostupan kao strmi klisurasti grebeni visok 29m i izdužen od istočnog rta Anel do zapadnog Argutula, a površina mu je 6 hektara i dužina obale 342m. Vegetacija je slična ali siromašnija kao na obalnim stijenama M. Palagruže s tek 11 vrsta.

Kamik Ološtra

Ološtra (južni Kamik, tal. Sasso d'Ostro) leži uz rt Ponara Medvidina, preko uskog tjesnaca Malo Zdrilo na jugoistoku M. Palagruže. Ima oblik strme klisuraste piramide i nedostupna je (osim alpinistima). Po visini od 23m je četvrta u palagruškom otočju, a površinom peta nakon Galijule. Uglavnom je obrasla s desetak vrsta halofita (Plantagini-Limonietum), a na njenim stijenama je najjužnije nalazište dalmatinskog endema Centaurea ragusina L.

Otočić Kunj

Kunj (talij. Sasso Croce) leži uz rt Rozonj preko plićeg tjesnaca Polkriz na sjeverozapadu M. Palagruže. To je posve nedostupni, piramidalno-klisurasti ostenjak visok desetak metara, na kojem rastu tek 4 svojte halofita.

Ini sitni školjići

Oko Male Palagruže i Tarmuntone još leže 4 sitna i niža školjića (hridi) visine po 2m - 5m, koje često prelijevaju olujni valovi juga pa su goli bez halofita. To su: strmiji Pupak (od Kamika) uz rt Argutula istočno od Tarmuntone i Storo Medvidina (tal. Sasso) južno od Tarmuntone tj. istočno uz rt Batuda, pa niži kameni školjići Baba na jugu i Gaće jugozapadno od M. Palagruže.

Najjužnija Galijula

Galijula (talianski: Caiola) je niski plosnati otok na pučini jugozapadnog Jadrana, 3 nautičke milje ili 5,5 km udaljen na jugoistoku od otoka Palagruža, veličine 110 x 40m. To je najjužniji otok Dalmacije, a susjedni manji kameni greben (školjić) Olevonta još dalje na jugoistoku je najjužnija izdvojena točka hrvatskog kopna najbliža Italiji, pa ima geopolitičko značenje za razgraničenje teritorialnog mora na Jadranu. U većini popularnih tekstova se krivo ponavlja kako je navodno Palagruža najjužnija u Hrvatskoj: to je samo najjužnije naseljeno mjesto (posada svjetionika), a stvarno još južnije su nenaseljeni hrvatski otočić Galijula i najdalje hrid-školjić Olevonta.

Zemljopisne značajke

Galijula je najjužniji hrvatski otok, koji leži izdvojeno na otvorenoj pučini jugozapadnog Jadrana i duplo je bliže Italiji negoli hrvatskom kopnu. Sjeverozapadno i jugozapadno od Galijule je srednjojadranska pučina dubine parsto metara tzv. Palagruški prag, dok su istočno od nje strma dna do najdublje južnojadranske kotline s dnima ispod -1.000m. Od inih otoka je razmjerno najbliže na sjeverozapadu veća i poznatija Palagruža s posadom svjetionika, a triput dalje na jugozapadu je talianski otok Pianosa i još toliko spram zapada je veće otočje Tremiti. Najbliže kopno je južno od Galiule brdoviti visoki rt Gargano na jugoistočnoj obali Italije. Za razliku od više i brdovite Palagruže, kamenita Galijula je niska i plosnata pa je oblikom i izgledom znatno sličnija susjednoj većoj Pianosi. Našoj Galijuli je razmjerno najbliže gradsko naselje talianska luka Vieste na kraju rta Gargano, čija se svjetla navečer za vedrog vremena dobro vide od Galiule i Palagruže, te odakle do tih naših najjužnijih otočića češće doplove tamošnji turisti (i ilegalni ribolovci).

Iako je Galijula bliže Italiji (rtu Gargano), još od srednjeg vijeka povijesno pripada Dalmaciji tj. danas Republici Hrvatskoj. Galijula leži na geografskim koordinatama 42°22'49"N i 16°20'23"E. Taj izolirani otočić je teško dostupan ne samo zbog udaljenosti na otvorenoj pučini, nego još više zbog brojnih kamenih plićina naokolo koje su vrlo opasne za plovidbu zbog nasukavanja i brodoloma. Otok je visok tek 11m, smjerom istok-zapad je dugačak stotinjak metara i širok oko 40m, površina mu je 3 ha i dužina obale 300m. Galijula je gola i kamenita, uglavnom bez vegetacije osim malo slanuša (halofiti) na sredini, gdje se gnijezde galebovi. Iako je sam otok bez nekoga praktičnog značenja, glavna mu je važnost geostrateška i zbog okolnog bogatog ribolova i prostornog razgraničenja jadranske pučine prema Italiji oko toga južnog i najisturenijeg otoka.

Grebeni i plićine

U neposrednoj blizini uz Galijulu je plićina "Pupak" jugozapadno od otoka, gdje leži potonuli parobrod. Njegovi ostaci na dnu su još u razmjerno dobrom stanju s obzirom na doba od potonuća. Otok je okružen brojnim drugim plićinama osobito na sjeveru i istoku, pa mu je prilaz moguć samo iskusnijim pomorcima koji znaju stići do otoka na jugozapadnoj strani do jedine južne uvalice Buk, gdje je moguć privez za manju barku. Otok je nenaseljen i nije prikladan za sklanjanje od nevremena, jer je sa svih strana izložen udaru otvorenog mora i golemih pučinskih valova, te s brojnim opasnim plićacima naokolo.

Inače otvorenu pučinu oko Galijule, Palagruže i Sušca sve do Jabuke, dalmatinski čakavci već stoljećima nazivaju Kulaf, što je prastari slavizirani naziv koji se razvio iz antičkoga starogrčkog "kolpos" u značenju zaljev ili more (općenito), kao ime za rani Jadran poput sjevernog zaljeva Mediterana i Jonskog mora. Iz iste su grčke osnovice manjeviše nastali i talianski golfo, turski körfezi, sjevernočakavski kulàp (pučina), itd.

Greben Olevonta

Oko milju jugoistočno od Galijule na pučini još leži opasna "sika" tj. morski greben (kamena hrid) Olevonta, što je na hrvatskom kopnu najjužnija točka Dalmacije na 42°21’N i 16°22’E. Uz oseku i mirno more, kamenita Olevonta izviruje do 2m nad pučinom, ali pri plimi i valovima je to niža i teže uočljiva hrid tik uz morsku razinu, tako da je tu u nevremenu nastradao već niz brodova. Ovdje leže i tragovi više antičkih i srednjovjekih brodskih olupina, pa je tu u podmorju važno arheološko nalazište još nedovoljno istraženo. Na kamenim plićinama oko Olevonte je bogata ribolovna postaja i jedno od najboljih lovišta za veće rakove na Jadranu. Uz Olevontu su pri olujnom jugu pomoću automatiziranih plovaka (hidrografske bove) izmjereni naveći valovi unutar Jadrana, visoki do 8,4 metara. Sjeveroistočno od Olevonte se strmo obrušavaju duboke podmorske klisurine do nekih -230m, prama najdubljoj južnojadranskoj kotlini.

Jugoistočni brakovi

Daleko u smjeru istok-jugoistok od Olevonte, na otvorenoj pučini jugozapadnog Jadrana prama rtu Gargano, u našemu pograničnom akvatoriju su još 2 izdvojene pučinske plićine ili kameni 'brakovi' koje niti za oseke ne izviruju nad morem, a obje su važna i bogata lovišta komiških ribara s Visa:

  • Tumbun: Jedan kilometar dalje na jugoistok od Olevonte ili 3 km od Galijule je prostrani kameniti 'brak' tj. pučinska pličina Tumbun opasna za nasukavanje i tu je jedno od naših najbogatijih lovišta mnogobrojnih jastoga.
  • Grujeta: Još oko 3 milje istočnije od Tumbuna ili 7 milja od Galijule (desetak milja od Palagruže), još dalje na otvorenoj pučini već blizu medjunarodne morske granice je i drugi sličan kameniti plićak tj. brak od Grujeta. S tom kamenom Grujetom spram istoka završavaju razmjerno plića ribolovna dna na pučini srednjeg Jadrana i odmah iza nje se obrušavaju strma klisurasta dna u najdublju južnojadransku kotlinu. Tu je uz jaka podmorska strujanja i najčišće more, također bogata ribarska postaja najviše za velike kirnje, a opasno je zbog nasukavanja samo za veće brodove s dubljim gazom.

Povijest istraživanja

Kao naš najjužniji i istureni otok središnjeg Jadrana, Galijula je bila predmetom raznih stručnih istraživanja već preko pola stoljeća. Zbog kamene goleti i teže dostupnosti iskrcaja, tu su najprije počela istraživanja okolnog podmorja, pa od 1950ih Oceanografski institut iz Splita ovdje proučava smedje alge, a od 1970ih Hidrografski institut Split uz otok istražuje pučinsku hidrodinamiku, morske struje i veličinu valova. Prva direktna istraživanja na samom kopnu Galijule počinju od 1980ih, kada Pedagoški fakultet Split u suradnji s viškim ribarima na otoku i okolnim plićinama popisuje domaće čakavske toponime, a od 1990ih Institut "Rudjer Bošković" iz Zagreba tu istražuje kopnenu i obalnu floru i ptice.

Flora i fauna

Osim osobitih sitnih insekata i otočnih pužića, jedina veća fauna na Galijuli su primorske ptice gnjezdarice. Tu se na višoj sredini otoka gnijezde galebovi (Larus argentatus) i niže uz obalu kormoran (Phalacrocorax aristotelis). U kopnenoj flori osim sitnih lišajeva, rastu tek 3 veće biljke tipa halofita na sredini otoka: grmić Arhrocnemum glaucum, te još niža trava Elymus pycnanthus i Atriplex prostrata. Na obali Galijule i u okolnom podmorju raste par stotina raznolikih alga, od kojih su najveće smedje cistozire, a najraširenije su razne ovapnjele alge (Corallinaceae) tipa koraligena. Na okolnim plićinama su najbogatija lovišta velikih jastoga (Palinurus elephas), a od raznovrsnih riba su tu posebno bogate kirnje, salpe, itd.

Podmorje uz Palagružu

Izmedju Palagruže i Galijule su prostrane pučinske plićine Kanonik, Šporka, Milura, Bacva i ine manje, većinom izgradjene od ovapnjelih alga (Corallinaceae), što su najveće i najbujnije poznate plohe koraligena u Jadranu. Pučinski ekoučinak jakih valova i dubinskih struja nigdje u Jadranu nije tako izrazit kao oko Palagruže i Galijule, što tu uzrokuje najbujniji razvitak raznolikog fitobentosa unutar Jadrana, te osobito bujnog koraligena.

Povijesne naznake

Arheonalazi pokazuju da je Palagruža bila naseljena još od postglacijala pred nekih 9.000 godina, a potom ju nastanjuju antički Grci i Rimljani. U srednjem vijeku je tu bio samostan, čije su ruševine na srednjem sedlu Salamandrija i sad vidljive. Zbog olujne bure na Jadranu u ožujku 1177, uz južnu obalu Palagruže se zaklonila flota vatikanskih galija, pa je tada na otoku par dana boravio i papa Aleksandar III. Veliki svjetionik je na Palagruži izgradjen u Austrougarskoj od 1875, pa sada na otoku stalno žive samo svjetioničari (tvrtka Plovput). Povremeno tu borave i komiški ribari koji oko tog otočja love još od 14. stoljeća i Palagruža je donedavna bila jedna od najboljih lovišta male plave ribe (sardela, inćun itd.). Sad se plava riba lovi još u manjim količinama, a ribari se tu najviše bave izlovom jastoga i bijele ribe.

Klima, bilje i ptice

Ekološki je Palagruža jedinstvena u Hrvatskoj zbog najtoplije klime i najmanjih oborina, prosječno tek oko 290 mm godišnje, uglavnom bez mraza. Zato je uz susjedni otok Sušac, Palagruža jedini dio Hrvatske gdje obilno i samoniklo raste subtropska vegetacija ljetopadnog grmlja (južni tip restinga) koje samo za vlažne zime nosi lišće pa pupa i cvate najesen, a ljeti je posve golo (tj. baš obratno nego na kontinentu zimi). Slična subtropska vegetacija se nalazi tek na južnom Sredozemlju, npr. Malta, Sinaj, polupustinje Izraela i Jordana, pa jugoistok Španjolske i sjeverne obale Afrike. Među južnim dalmatinskim otocima, flora Palagruže je najbogatija posebnim otočnim endemima: Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G., Brassica botterii Vis., Centaurea friderici Vis., Limonium diomedeum Brullo, Muscari speciosum Marches. i Ornithogalum visianicum Tommas. Na tim otocima gnijezde i najbogatije kolonije morskih ptica Dalmacije (15): Calonectris diomedea (Scop.), Hydrobates pelagicus Linné, Larus cachinnans Pallas, Phalacrocorax aristotelis (Linné), Puffinus yelkouan (Acerbi), Sterna hirundo Linné, etc.

Vegetacija sušnih pučinskih otoka srednjeg Jadrana je donedavna bila fitocenološki slabo poznata, jer je pri oskudnim oborinama uz 6 - 9 mjeseci suše (290-360 mm) uglavnom proučena u najlošijem stanju sušnog ljeta, pa su mnoge vrste i zajednice preskočene i nezamjećene, a morske fitocenoze su osim flornih popisa alga tu skoro neistražene. Takodjer su osim Vele Palagruže, okolnih 5 otoka (i nedaleki Sušac) botanički donedavna bili uglavnom nepoznati. Zato su ova dopunska istraživanja forsirana u optimalno kišno doba tj. zimi, a opravdani rezultat su nalazi 16 dodatnih alga i još 62 kopnenih biljnih vrsta na otocima, te prvi suvisli pregledi flora za neistražene pučinske otoke Mala Palagruža, Tarmuntona, Ološtra, Galijula i za slični Sušac u paralelnom članku Šujac (otok Sušac). Nakon toga, okolno podmorje sadrži 337 biljnih vrsta, a na Palagruži ukupno raste 282 vrsta kopnenog bilja i na Maloj Palagruži 47 vrsta, dok su 13 nadjenih južnih kserofita novi za cijelu Hrvatsku. U vegetaciji je nadjeno 35 fitocenoza, od toga 23 morskih, pa je sad Palagruža medju fitocenološki najbolje proučenim otocima Jadrana. Najraširenija vegetacija palagruških otoka su ljetopadne južne šikare (subtropske restinge) kao na jugu Španjolske i sjeverna Afrika: Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis, Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis i Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis, dok mediteranske tvrdolisne makije (Oleo-Ceratonion) tu uglavnom izostaju osim posadjenog lovora.

Biljni rariteti Palagruže

Dodatne alge (Addenda to phytobenthos)

Mašim novijim istraživanjima obala i podmorja uz palagruške otoke je nadjeno još 16 dodatnih svojti alga, čime je ukupna morska flora oko Palagruže narasla na 337 vrsta: 215 crvenih alga, 76 smedjih, 42 zelenih alga i od morskih trava samo Posidonia. Tu su novonađene dodatne alge, * + kurziv = ovapnjele svojte

During phytosociological studies of benthic vegetation, we registered 16 algal taxa formerly not indicated at Palagruža, * + Italics = calcified): *Amphiroa beauvoisii Lamour., Bryopsis adriatica (J.Ag.) Meneg., B. plumosa (Huds.) C.Ag., *Codium coralloides (Kütz.) Silva, C. mamillosum Harvey, *Crodelia cabiochae Boud.& Deniz., Cystoseira humilis Kütz., C. moniliformis Hauck, C. stricta (Mont.) Sauv., Dilophus mediterraneus Schif., Flabellia minima (Ernst) Nizam., Laurencia truncata Kütz., *Lithophyllum trochanter (Bory) Huvé, Peyssonellia coriacea Feld., *P. rosa-marina Boud.& Deniz., and *Valonia caespitula Zanard. By these findings, former algal list of Palagruža (27) is now completed to 337 benthic taxa: 215 rhodophytes, 76 pheophytes, 42 chlorophytes, and 1 seagrass (Posidonia). The most remarkable details in algal flora of Palagruža are 14 different taxa of Cystoseira (5) and a high diversity of 32 calcified algae including also 3 calcified chlorophytes.

Rariteti kopnene flore

Posjetima ranijih florista u turističkoj sezoni je u osiromašenoj ljetnoj flori Vele Palagruže bilo popisano ukupno 220 svojta (samo 11 na Maloj Palagruži), a novijim uvidima zimi u optimalnoj kišnoj sezoni je nadjeno još 62 inih južnih biljaka, te 47 na Maloj Palagruži, čime je ukupna flora palagruške grupe sada uvećana na 282 svojte. Za ine manje palagruške otočiće donedavna nije bilo nikakvih flornih nalaza i sad je nadjeno: Tarmuntona 11 svojta, Ološtra 10, Kunj 4 i najmanje Galijula 3: Arthrocnemum glaucum, Atriplex prostrata i Elymus pycnanthus (detalji flore manjih palagruških otoka su u donjoj Tablici 1).

Abstract: Floral addenda on Palagruža. So far incomplete floral lists (12, 22) for main Palagruža existed only, and for near islet Molo-Palagruža a very scarce florula of dozen vascular taxa only was indicated (11). Other 4 near islets in central Adriatic i.e. Tarmuntona, Ološtra, Kunj, and Galiula have also vascular vegetation, but they probably were not yet visited by botanists, and so far anyone land plant was not reported there. Therefore we studied them in detail iteratively from winter to summer, and we listed their florula in Table 1: in Molo-Palagruža 47 taxa, Tarmuntona 11 taxa, Ološtra 10 taxa, Kunj 4 taxa, Galiula 3 taxa, and in other minor reefs no any vascular plant. For example, in remote eastern islet Galiula (southernmost in Dalmatia), Arthrocnemum glaucum, Atriplex prostrata, and Elymus pycnanthus were only found. In the land flora of main Palagruža, beside the summer floral list including 220 vascular plants (23), we registered also 62 additional winter taxa formerly not indicated there, whose documentary specimens are mostly in Herbarium ADRZ. The most of these addenda we found on Palagruža during its wettest season in winter and early spring to March, because any precedent botanists had not made insights in these early months. They include 13 rare xerophytes from southern Mediterranean with northernmost outposts on Palagruža, and these ones are also new additions to the entire Croatian flora. Therefore by actual contribution, vascular flora of Palagruža is completed to 282 taxa. In next floral addenda on Palagruža, asterisk (*) denotes southern taxa new to entire Croatian flora.

Nove florne dopune za Palagružu jesu (* + kurziv = novosti za cijelu Hrvatsku):

Allium commutatum Guss. (A. bimetrale M.G.), *Anthyllis aegaea Turrill (A. splendens Willd.), Arthrocnemum glaucum (Del.) Ung., *Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G., Atriplex prostrata Bouch. (A. microtheca C.A.Mey), Avena aterantha Presl. (A.pilosa M.Bieb.), Biarum tenuifolium L., Cakile maritima Scop. subsp. aegyptiaca (Willd.) Nym., Camphorosma monspeliaca L., *Capparis orientalis Sib.& Sm., C. sicula Duh., Capsella rubella Reut., Carlina graeca (Held.& Sart.) Boiss., *Carthamus baeticus Boiss.& Reut., Centaurium caspicum (Fisch.& Gris.) Tzvel., C. limonifolium Greut. (Erythraea rhodensis Boiss.), Cerastium balearicum Hermann, Chenopodium botryodes Sm. (Ch. crassifolium Horn.), Convolvulus cneorum L. subsp. angustifolius Saad, Coronilla valentina L. *subsp. pentaphylla (Desf.) Bat. (C. glauca L.), Cymbalaria pallida (Ten.) Wett., Desmazeria marina (L.) Druce, Elymus pycnanthus (Godr.) Melderis, Evax pygmaea (L.) Pers., *Halimione graeca (Moq.) M.G. (Halimus australis Nees), Ficus carica L. subsp. erinosyce Risso (F. caprificus Tsch.& Ravas.), Foeniculum vulgare subsp. piperitum (Ucria) Asch., Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Gan., Helichrysum litoreum Guss., Herniaria microcarpa Presl. (H. rotundifolia Viv.), Inula crithmoides L. subsp. mediterranea Kerg. (I. acutifolia Pasq.), *Lavatera bryonifolia Mill. (L. unguiculata Desf.), *Limonium diomedeum Brullo, *Lycium intricatum Boiss., *Matthiola rupestris DC., Muscari commutatum Guss., Olea europaea L. subsp. buxifolia (Ait.) Nym., *Ornithogalum arabicum L., Pallenis microcephala Hal., Paronychia kapela (Hacq.) Kern., Petrorrhagia saxifraga (L.) Link., Phoenix canariensis Chab., Pistacia chia DC. (P. lentiscus L. subsp. penetrans Radic), Posidonia oceanica (L.) Del., Pyrus istriana Ziel. (P. spinosa X piraster Ziel.)., Rubus heteromorphus (Ripart) Gerb., Sedum album *subsp. gypsicolum (Boiss.& Reut.) Maire (S. clusianum Guss.), S. litoreum Guss., S. orientale Boiss., S. sediforme (Jacq.) Pau, Silene vulgaris (Mnch.) Garcke subsp. suffrutescens Greut.& al., *Smilax balearica Willk. (Parilax willkommii M.G.), S. aspera L. subsp. mauritanica (Poir.) Arc., Solanum decipiens Opiz., Suaeda splendens Gren.& Godr., Tamus communis subsp. cretica (L.) Nym. (Dioscorea orientalis Boiss.), Teucrium capitatum L., Thymelaea hirsuta L., Umbilicus chloranthus (Sib.& Sm.) Boiss., Urtica pilulifera L., and Valantia hispida L.

After recent field studies in optimal rainy season including our addenda of 62 taxa, the completed insular flora of Palagruža now includes 282 vascular taxa, and it is of average richness in comparison with other Adriatic islands of similar size. The florula of near minor islets so far was nearly unknown, and we registered in Molo-Palagruža 47 taxa, in Tarmuntona 11 ones, Ološtra 10 taxa, Kunj 4 taxa, and in easternmost Galiula 3 taxa only. This xeric flora by composition is the closest one to dry island Sušac, but it is very divergent from the mainland flora of Dalmatian coast and of nearshore islands. Palagruža islets include 6 endemics of central Adriatic: Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G., Brassica botterii Vis., Centaurea friderici Vis., Limonium diomedeum Brullo, Muscari speciosum Marches., and Ornithogalum visianicum Tomm. Beside near island Sušac (24), Palagruža is the richest one in the Adriatic archipelago and in Croatia by xeric taxa of southern Mediterranean, that in these driest Adriatic islets have their northernmost outposts: Anthyllis aegaea, Capparis orientalis, Carthamus baeticus, Coronilla valentina subsp. pentaphylla, Halimione graeca, Lavatera bryonifolia, Lycium intricatum, Matthiola rupestris, Ornithogalum arabicum, Smilax balearica, etc.

Synecology in Palagruža (Fitocenoze Palagruže)

New consistent measuring of deep currents in northward bottoms at Palagruža started from 1983 (16) with undersea research for potential oil or gas The obtained values confirmed here deep currents considerably stronger than at mainlands and nearshore Dalmatian islands. The main year direction of bottom currents is parallel along Palagruža islets from WNW to ESE; it is a perpetual deep flow from shallower Mesoadriatic pit toward the deepest abyssal trench of SE. Adriatic. The measured average speeds of these deep currents were from 11.1 cm/sec to 13.9 cm/sec, and the maximal ones in winter were between 27.0 cm/sec up to 40.0 cm/sec. These are the strongest deep currents so far registered in Dalmatia, i.e. 2 to 5 times quicker than at nearshore islands and Dalmatian mainlands (16). These constant quick currents at Palagruža resulted by a high local diversity of rheophilic algal communities adapted to a strong hydrodynamism with scarce sedimentation: Peyssonellietum rosae-marinae (Carp.) Boud. and Cystoseiretum adriaticae-corniculatae Lov. on infralittoral bottoms with nearshore currents, and Cystoseiretum zosteroidis Giac. and Lithophylletum dentati-racemi Lorenz: Zal. in offshore bottoms with deeper currents.

Chiefly during Scirocco storms in winter, at Palagruža islets occur the strongest known waves of Adriatic Sea, resulting by a perpetual stormy surge in Palagruža shores; the lofty billows measured in detail 1978-1989 at easternmost islet Galiula (26) reached to 8.40m up and nearly overflowed that islet 11m tall. Therefore in Palagruža shores any sheltered sites are nearly absent, and only semiexposed up to overexposed extreme sites in its shores widely prevail. The unique Adriatic island with so strong hydrodynamism comparable with Palagruža is Prvić in NE. Adriatic (18, 19), overexposed to perpetual Bora storms from port Senj (203 days/year). In both stormy islands, extreme shores with perpetual surf are marked by the same resisting algae (rare or absent elsewhere): Amphiroa beauvoisii, Codium coralloides, Corallina elongata, Cystoseira spicata, Dilophus mediterraneus, Lithophyllum papillosum, Peyssonellia coriacea, and Valonia caespitula.

Strong and frequent aerosaline storms have an evident effect in land vegetation of Palagruža islets. Thus aerosaline vegetation in Palagruža is marked by 6 insular endemics of central Adriatic: Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G., Brassica botterii Vis., Centaurea friderici Vis., Limonium diomedeum Brullo, Muscari speciosum Marches., and Ornithogalum visianicum Tommas. Together with stormy islets Jabuka and Svetac, Palagruža is among the richest sites of central Adriatic endemics.

In comparison with other Adriatic islands and surrounding mainlands, the main climatic peculiarity of Palagruža is its semiarid climate including the scarcest rains registered in Adriatic (21). Precipitations and other main meteorological factors of Palagruža are registered in local meteorological station during a century i.e. from 1894 with an interruption in World War 2; more detailed and consistent data are available after 1949. Temperatures of Palagruža are mostly similar as in other islands of central Adriatic, with annual average of 16.3C and winter minimum of -4.3C. After 35 years measurements by pluviograph and totalizators from 1950ies to 1980ies (21), the average precipitations of Palagruža are 290 mm/year only, mostly restricted to winter from November to March. The average dryness in Palagruža persists from spring to autumn through 7 dry months, from April to October. In extreme arid years its dryness may persist throughout 9 months (21), with scarce rains of 110 to 191 mm/year from November to January only, e.g. in 1957, 1965, 1970, 1988, 1990, etc. During these very arid years, a drastic natural elimination of Mediterranean evergreen dendroflora in Palagruža, in near dry Sušacand in other remote islets was evident. Then xeric wintergreen (summer-deciduous) scrub mostly persisted there, and now it widely predominates in all Palagruža islets, and in SW. slopes of near Sušac (380 mm/year).

The expectable natural result of this semiarid climate is also a peculiar xeric soil covering Palagruža islets. The usual Mediterranean terra rossa there is very scarce and restricted to some minute depressions on fresh northern slope of main Palagruža. All other slopes and ridges of Palagruža islets are mostly covered by xeric grey soil of yerma type marked by calcareous crust or caliche; this soil type is very characteristic for semiarid and arid areas of SE. Spain (7) and of northern Africa (28). In a logical accordance with its semiarid climate and xeric soils is also the remarkable wintergreen scrub predominating across Palagruža, and in other dry remote islets: Jabuka, Brusnik, Vrhovci at Lastovo, SW. slopes of Sušac, etc.

The unique wild evergreens confirmed there occur by several isolated specimens only in fresh northern slope of main Palagruža: Alaternus glabra Mill., Pistacia chia DC, and Olea europaea subsp. buxifolia (Ait.) Nym. Both last ones occur chiefly in Aegean islands, and in Adriatic they are very rare in southern remote islets e.g. Palagruža, Sušac, Lastovci at Lastovo, and Tajer islets (Sestrice) southwards of Dugi island. The unique formation in Palagruža reminding of a Mediterranean evergreen maquis is restricted in northern escarpment closely at phare, as a minor grove of 19 laurel shrubs. Laurel canopy here grows as deformed sterile shrubs of scarce vitality with half-dry leaves; this laurel in Palagruža probably is not natural, but a rest of early cultivation in extreme conditions at ecological limit there. Before actual phare in Palagruža an eremite monastery existed from the Middle Ages (13), and Dalmatian monasteries are usually surrounded by laurel gardens.

Contrary to scarce evergreens, across upper ridge and southern slopes of main Palagruža and in all near islets, many thousands of xeric wintergreen shrubs widely predominate, reminding of dry subtropics in subentire vegetatiton of Palagruža; remarkable summer-deciduous taxa in wintergreen flora of Palagruža are Euphorbia dendroides, Lycium intricatum, Capparis orientalis, Lavatera bryonifolia, Halimione graeca, Aurinia affinis, etc. Therefore main natural vegetation across Palagruža islets is summer-deciduous (wintergreen) scrub, divergent from other Adriatic islands and mainlands, but comparable with dry shrublands in semiarid areas of SE. Spain and northern Africa. Their connecting phytosociological indicators in xeric wintergreen scrub of Thymelaeion hirsutae (Eig) Tadros (Euphorbion dendroidis Papast.) in dry remote islets of Adriatic offing and in SE. Mediterranean are Euphorbia dendroides, Eu. rigida, Lavatera arborea, Coronilla valentina, Prasium majus, Thymelaea hirsuta, Carlina graeca, Allium subhirsutum, Avena aterantha, Valantia hispida, Daucus gummifer, etc. Within xeric wintergreen scrub of Palagruža, and in other dry remote islets on Adriatic offing, 3 main phytocenoses are distinguishable: cf. enclosed Table 3.

a. Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis (Guin.& Drou.) Eichberger 2001 (Euphorbietum dendroidis Guinochet & Drouineau 1944) is the most frequent scrub there, covering 2/5 of Palagruža on its ridge and northern slopes, also SW. slopes of Sušac, and Tajer islet (Sestrice), etc. Its indicators are the dominant canopy (2-3m) of Euphorbia dendroides L., with sporadical Olea europaea subsp. buxifolia (Ait.) Nym., Pistacia chia DC.; in understory Arisarum vulgare Targ.Tozz., Urginea maritima (L.) Baker, Daucus hispanicus Gouan, Teucrium fruticans L., and Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. In this community some elements of Quercetea ilicis and Oleo-Ceratonion are present as differential e.g. Asparagus acutifolius, Smilax aspera, Pasium majus, and Osyris alba, rare in other scrub types on Palagruža.

b. Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis Lovr. (1984) 1995 (Halimiono-Artemisietum prov.) is the second main phytocenosis of ultraxeric scrub in areas with less than 300 mm/year, developed across the hottest southern slopes of main Palagruža, including also all near islets. Its remarkable indicators are southern xerophytes: dominant canopy (1-2 m) of Artemisia arborescens L., and Lycium intricatum Boiss.; in understory Coronilla valentina subsp. pentaphylla (Desf.) Batt., Matthiola rupestris DC., Suaeda vera Gmel., Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G., Muscari speciosum Marches., Biarum tenuifolium L., and Halimione graeca (Moq.) M.G.

c. Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis Lovr. (1981) 1995 is the third semixeric community of this group, preferably in areas with 300 to 500 mm/year. In Palagruža it is restricted to deeper soils of some northward depressions, and it occurs also in other remote islets e.g. Brusnik, Barjak at Vis, Lukavci at Hvar, Bjelac and Vrhovci at Lastovo, etc. Its main indicators are dominant canopy of Lavatera bryonifolia Lam.; in understory Capparis orientalis Sib.& Sm., Convolvulus cneorum subsp. angustifolius Saad, Daucus mauritanicus L., Herniaria microcarpa Presl., Sedum litoreum Guss., and Chenopodium botryodes Sm. [uredi] Ekozonacija (Vegetation zoning in isles and bottoms)

In benthic and land vegetation of Palagruža isles, we identified 7 altitudinal and submarine belts with 39 different phytocenoses there, including 24 ones in surrounding phytobenthos, and 15 communities in terrestrial vegetation on islets. Marine vegetation at Palagruža is the most diversified one found in Dalmatia. Evergreen maquis scrub is mostly lacking there, and xeric wintergreen (summer-deciduous) scrub widely predominates in all expositions across these remote islets. [uredi] Thermomediterranean (Sredozemni pojas)

The standard Eumediterranean belt in Palagruža is mostly absent. Even southern Thermomediterranean belt in these remote isles is very fragmentary and restricted to the coolest northward slopes of main island Palagruža. Only in its northern slope occur rare isolated specimens of Alaternus glabra, Pistacia chia, and Olea europaea subsp. buxifolia, indicating extrazonal northward sites of Oleo-Ceratonion; the related scrub of maquis type is lacking, and laurels at phare are probably from cultivation. [uredi] Xeromediterran (Južnosredozemni pojas)

Xeric wintergreen vegetation of southern xeromediterranean (inframediterranean) types covers extensive areas of these offshore isles in all expositions, on ridges and in northern and southern slopes in dry Palagruža, and in other remote islets Jabuka, Brusnik, Vrhovci at Lastovo, etc. The main extensive type of wintergreen scrub there is Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis (Guin.& Drou.) Eichb. (Euphorbietum dendroidis Guin.& Drou.) including 2/5 of main Palagruža along its ridge and northern slopes. Another frequent wintergreen scrub of ultraxeric type is Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis Lov., across southern slopes of main Palagruža, and in near minor islets. A third scrub of similar type, Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis Lov., occurs sporadically in depressions with thicker soil of Palagruža, and in dozen other remote islets on central Adriatic offing. Among grasslands, Asphodelo-Chrysopogonetum grylli Hić. is widespread across Palagruža; on windswept ridges it is replaced by stony balds with Desmazerio-Sedetum anopetali Pold.; in degraded sites and old gardens Oryzopsidetum miliaceae Hić. occurs. An polluted roads and phare ruderal enclaves of Scolymo-Marrubietum incani Hić. occurs, and at beach nitro-halophytes of Cynodonti-Plantaginetum coronopi (Hić.) Tx. is found. Walls of phare and near old ruins include Asplenio-Umbilicetum horizontalis Hić.

Adlittoral maritime belt (Priobalni pojas)

Salt spray on Palagruža reaches from 20m to 50m upwards in coastal slopes, and up to 90m above sea in NW. cape of Palagruža; in this maritime belt prevail xero-halophytes without scrub. On the oblique rocky shores Plantagini-Limonietum cancellati Hic. is frequent around Palagruža and in adjacent islets. In nesting places on islets with seabird guano, Mesembryanthemo-Suaedetum Bergen is developed, and in abrupt sea-cliffs of Palagruža and near islets Phagnalo-Centaureetum ragusinae Hić. is remarkable. [uredi] Supralittoral (Nadmorski pojas)

The flat sandy-muddy shores in that area are absent, and the bare supralittoral rocks without macrovegetation above sea widely predominate, with the microcenoses of cyanobacteria (Pleurocapsetalia Erceg.) and halophilic lichen Verrucaria adriatica Zahl. Algal macrovegetation of Catenelletum caespitosae (Lorenz: Zal.) Hart. chiefly in supralittoral caves and maritime ravines is developed. [uredi] Eulittoral-intertidal (Obalni pojas)

In the intertidal belt of Palagruža and near islets, the flat rocky shores exposed to surf are marked by abundant Cystoseiretum spicatae (Zal.) Erceg., semiexposed intertidal cliffs include the calcified formation of Neogoniolitho-Lithophylletum byssoidis (Feld.) Mol., in stormy capes and remote reefs Phymatolitho-Lithophylletum incrustantis (Feld.) Giac. is developed, and intertidal caves and shady overhangs include Hildenbrandietum rubrae (Feld.) Giac. [uredi] Sublittoral fringe (Podobalni rub)

The uppermost shallow bottoms to 3 or 5m deep, ravaged by stormy waves, include the resisting cymatophylic phytobenthos. In upper mobile bottoms of remote Adriatic isles Posidonia is absent, and very similar natural restriction of Posidonia to lower bottoms in Adriatic occurs also in remote island Svetac (20), and at some Kvarner islands overexposed to heavy Bora storms (18, 19). Shingle inlets in Palagruža and adjacent islets include Acetabulario-Padinetum pavonicae (Lorenz) Zalokar, and in shady overhangs and cave entrances Botryocladietum botryoidis Boud. et al. occurs. Semiexposed submerged cliffs include Ceramio-Corallinetum officinalis (Zal.) Pign., and stormy capes and isolated reefs are marked by the incrustations of Phymatolitho-Corallinetum elongatae (Feld.) Giac.

Infralittoral (Podmorski pojas)

Downwards out of wave erosion, mostly under 6m the pebble bottom at Palagruža is covered by minor enclaves of Posidonietum oceanicae (Zal.) Br.Bl.; in flat rocks Cystoseiretum crinitae (Feld.) Mol. occurs, detritic bottoms with strong currents are marked by Cystoseiretum adriaticae-corniculatae (Zal.) Lov., and in stormy banks Peyssonelietum rosae-marinae (Carp.) Boud. is remarkable. In abrupt bottoms with stony screes Zanardinio-Codietum bursae (Lor.) Zal. occurs, in subvertical cliffs are incrustations of Crodelio-Halimedetum tunae (Feld.) Giac., and shady overhangs and cave entrances include Flabellio-Peyssonellietum squamariae (Feld.) Mol. [uredi] Circalittoral (Dublji pojas)

A partial insight in the upper margin of that belt at Palagruža indicated the next types. The flat rocky bottom with strong currents includes Cystoseiretum zosteroidis (Feld.) Giac., and Lithophylletum dentati-racemi Lorenz: Zal. in detritic bottoms with strong currents occurs. In deeper coralligene platforms Phymatolitho-Lithothanietum coralloidis (Feld.) Giac. is extended, and Palmophyllo-Mesophylletum lichenoidis Giac. in the deep rocky escarpments occurs. The deeper bottoms at the lower limit of macroalgae, after the former deep dredging (6, 27) and algae dragged by fisher nets at Palagruža indicated the interesting deepest formations of Laminaria rodriguezii Bornet, Desmarestia adriatica Erceg., Carpomitra costata (Stack.) Batt., Kallymenia spathulata (J.Ag.) Park., etc.

Summary conclusions

In phytobenthos at Palagruža islets we registered 16 additional algae and by these findings, former algal list of Palagruža (27) is now completed to 337 benthic taxa: 215 rhodophytes (64 %), 76 pheophytes (23 %), 42 chlorophytes (12 %), and 1 seagrass (Posidonia). Phytobenthos of Palagruža is similar as in other remote islets Jabuka (31), Svetac (20), Sušac (24), and Tremiti (3); it is very rich in different Cystoseira (5), and in coralligene phytocenoses with calcified algae. In accordance with other stormy islands of Adriatic e.g. Svetac (20), Prvić and Goli (18, 19), also in Palagruža different calcified algae predominate along entire exposed transects, from mediolittoral across infralittoral up to circalittoral belt; in these stormy areas soft algae are prevailing in shelters and semiexposed profiles.

After recent field studies in optimal rainy season including our addenda of 62 taxa, the completed insular flora of Palagruža now includes 282 vascular taxa, being of average richness in comparison with other Adriatic islands of similar size. The florula of near minor islets so far was nearly unknown, and we registered in Molo-Palagruža 47 taxa, in Tarmuntona 11 ones, Ološtra 10 taxa, Kunj 4 taxa, and in easternmost Galiula 3 taxa only. By composition this xeric flora is the closest one to dry island Sušac, but divergent from the mainland flora of Dalmatian coast and nearshore islands. Palagruža islets include 6 endemics of central Adriatic: Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G., Brassica botterii Vis., Centaurea friderici Vis., Limonium diomedeum Brullo, Muscari speciosum Marches., and Ornithogalum visianicum Tomm. Beside near Sušac (24), Palagruža is the richest one in Croatia and Adriatic archipelago by xeric southern taxa, having their northernmost outposts in these driest remote isles: Anthyllis aegaea, Capparis orientalis, Carthamus baeticus, Coronilla valentina ssp. pentaphylla, Halimione graeca, Lavatera bryonifolia, Lycium intricatum, Matthiola rupestris, Ornithogalum arabicum, Smilax balearica, etc.

Xeric vegetation of Palagruža within Adriatic is the most similar one with dry island Sušac with 380 mm/year (24), where Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis includes extensive areas of lower belt and SW. slopes; evergreen maquis of Quercetalia ilicis there covers island peak and fresh northern slopes. Thus xeric vegetation of Palagruža, Sušac, and similar remote islets in Adriatic offing are mostly inverse in comparison with subhumid nearshore islands and Dalmatian mainland coast, where evergreens of Quercetalia ilicis widely predominate; only in coastal cliffs occur minor edaphic enclaves of mixed community Oleo-Euphorbietum dendroidis Tric. (4). In Dalmatian mainland and some islands, Eu. dendroides and similar southern xerophytes are extrazonal and restricted to dry-warm coastal escarpments, but in Palagruža, Sušac and near remote isles they widely predominate everywhere, being an evident climax of semiarid remote isles as a summer-deciduous scrub of relict Xerotherm origin (13), adapted to strong dryness. Within the Adriatic, both phytobenthos and land vegetation of Palagruža and Sušac is mostly comparable with remote Aegean and Tyrrhenian islands, as northernmost outposts of this vegetation in Adriatic offing.

Dodatne tablice

   Table 1. Florula of five minor islets in central Adriatic offing eastwards of Palagruža
   Table 2. Phytosociological classification of benthic and xeric communities in Palagruža
   Table 3. Synthetic table of xeric scrub phytocenoses in Palagruža and other remote islets 

Flore otoka uz Palagružu

(Isles florulae)

Pregled flore za 5 manjih otoka na pučini Jadrana istočno od Palagruže

   (Floral survey of 5 minor islets in central Adriatic offing eastwards of Palagruža)
   Oznake (Symbols used): * + kurziv (asterisk & Italic) = nove svojte otočja Palagruža (taxa new to Palagruža group), MP = Mala-Palagruža (47 taxa), Tr = Tarmuntona (11 taxa), KO = Kamik-Ološtra (10 taxa), Kn = Kunj (4 taxa), Gl = Galijula (3 taxa) 
   Allium commutatum * Guss. (A. bimetrale M.G.) = MP, KO, Tr, Kn
   Allium subhirsutum L. = MP
   Anthyllis aegaea * Turrill (A. splendens Willd.) = MP
   Artemisia arborescens L. = MP, KO, Tr
   Arthrocnemum glaucum * (Del.) Ung. = Gl
   Asparagus acutifolius L. = MP
   Atriplex prostrata * Bouch. (A. microtheca C.A.Mey) = MP, Gl
   Aurinia affinis * (Ten.) M.G. = MP, KO, Tr
   Brassica botterii Vis. = MP
   Capparis orientalis Sib.& Sm. = MP
   Capsella rubella * Reut. = MP
   Centaurea friderici Vis. = MP
   Centaurea ragusina L. = MP, KO
   Chenopodium botryodes * Sm. (Ch. crassifolium Horn.) = MP
   Convolvulus cneorum L. *subsp. angustifolius Saad = MP
   Coronilla valentina L. *subsp. pentaphylla (Desf.) Batt. = MP
   Crithmum maritimum L. = MP, KO, Tr
   Daucus gummifer All. (D. maritimus Lam.) = MP
   Desmazeria marina (L.) Druce = MP
   Elymus pycnanthus * (Godr.) Melderis = MP, Gl
   Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Gan. = MP
   Halimione graeca * (Moq.) M.G. (Halimus australis Nees) = MP
   Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aell. = MP
   Herniaria microcarpa * Presl. (H. rotundifolia Viv.) = MP
   Hordeum marinum Huds. = MP
   Koeleria phleoides (Vill.) Pers. = MP
   Lavatera unguiculata * Desf. (L. bryonifolia Lam.) = MP, Tr
   Limonium diomedeum * Brullo = MP, KO, Tr
   Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv. = MP
   Lotus cytisoides L. = MP, KO, Tr, Kn
   Matthola rupestris * DC. = MP
   Melilotus indicus (L.) All. = MP
   Mesembryanhemum nodiflorum L. = MP
   Parietaria judaica L. = MP
   Pistacia chia * DC. (P. lentiscus subsp. penetrans Radic) = MP
   Plantago psyllium L. = MP
   Posidonia oceanica (L.) Del. = MP
   Reichardia picroides (L.) Roth. = MP, KO, Tr
   Ruta chalepensis L. = MP
   Sedum glaucum W.K. = MP
   Sedum litoreum * Guss. = MP
   Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. = MP, KO, Kn
   Silene vulgaris Garcke *subsp. suffrutescens Greut.& al. = MP
   Suaeda vera Gmel. = MP, KO, Tr
   Umbilicus chloranthus * (Sib.& Sm.) Boiss. = MP
   Urtica pilulifera L. = MP
   Valantia hispida * L. = MP 

Subtropi: ljetopadno grmlje

(Dry scrub types)

Sintetska florna tablica fitocenoza sušnog grmlja na Palagruži i inim pučinskim otocima:

   (Synthetic floral list of xeric scrub communities in Palagruža and near remote islets)
   Florni pokazatelji sušnog grmlja Palagruže (Floral indicators of xeric scrub in Palagruža): 


A. Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis (Guin.& Drou.1944) Eichb.2001 ___________________________________________________________________

   Euphorbia dendroides L. V.3 III.1 I.+
   Arisarum vulgare Targ.Tozz. V.+ II.+ .
   Urginea maritima (L.) Baker IV.1 II.+ .
   Daucus gummifer ssp. fontanesii (Thel.)Onno IV.+ . .
   Teucrium fruticans L. III.1 . .
   Olea europaea subsp. buxifolia (Ait.) Nym. II.1 . .
   Pistacia chia DC. II.+ . .
   Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. II.+ . . 


B. Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis Lovr. (1984) 1995 ___________________________________________________________________

   Artemisia arborescens L. . V.3 .
   Coronilla valentina ssp. pentaphylla Baker I.+ V.1 .
   Matthola rupestris DC. I.+ V.1 .
   Suaeda vera Gmel. (S. fruticosa auct.) . IV.1 .
   Lycium intricatum Boiss. . III.1 .
   Aurinia affinis (Ten.) M.G. . III.+ .
   Muscari specosum Marches. . III.+ .
   Biarum tenuifolium L. . III.+ .
   Halimione graeca (Moq.) M.G. (H. australis) . II.1 . 


C. Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis Lovr. (1981) 1995 __________________________________________________________________

   Capparis orientalis Sib.& Sm. . II.+ V.2
   Lavatera bryonifolia Lam. (L. unguiculata) . . IV.2
   Daucus gummifer ssp. mauritanicus (L.) Onno . . IV.+
   Herniaria microcarpa Presl. (H.rotundifolia) . . IV.+
   Convolvulus cneorum ssp. angustifolius Saad . . III.1
   Chenopodium botryodes Sm. (Ch. crassifolium) . . III.+
   Sedum litoreum Guss. . . III.+ 


Thymelaeion hirsutae (Eig 1946) Tadr.1954 (Euphorbion dendroidis Papast.) __________________________________________________________________

   Lavatera arborea L. II.+ I.+ III.1
   Prasium majus L. III.1 II.+ I.+
   Allium subhirsutum L. II.+ III.1 I.+
   Carlina graeca (Held.& Sart.) Boiss. II.+ III.+ I.+
   Teucrium capitatum L. III.+ I.+ II.+
   Valantia hispida L. I.+ II.+ I.+
   Euphorbia rigida M.Bieb. (E. biglandulosa) II.+ III.+ .
   Coronilla valentina L. subsp. valentina III.1 . I.+
   Avena aterantha Presl. (A. hrsuta M. Bieb.) I.+ II.+ I.+
   Thymelaea hirsuta L. I.+ II.+ .
   Anthyllis aegaea Turrill (A. splendens Wil.) I.+ II.+ . 


Quercetea ilicis Br.Bl. 1947, Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni R.Mart. 1975 ___________________________________________________________________

   Asparagus acutifolius L. IV.1 II.+ II.+
   Smilax aspera L. (s. lat.) III.+ II.+ I.+
   Osyris alba L. II.+ III.1 I.+
   Ruscus aculeatus L. II.+ I.+ II.+
   Clematis flammula L. II.+ I.+ III.1
   Rubia peregrina L. II.1 I.+ II.+
   Coronilla emerus ssp. emeroides (Bois.)Holm. II.+ . II.+
   Ficus carica subsp. erinosyce Risso I.+ . III.1
   Teucrium flavum L. II.+ . I.+
   Alaternus glabra Mill.(Rhamnus alaternus L.) I.+ . .
   Tamus communis subsp. cretica (L.) Nym. I.+ . II.+
   Arum italicum Mill. I.+ . II.+ 


Others and ubiquitarians: __________________________________________________________________

   Asphodelus aestivus Brit. (A. microcarpus) IV.1 IV.+ III.+
   Reichardia picroides (L.) Roth. IV.+ V.+ III.+
   Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) P.B. IV.1 IV.+ III.+
   Dactylis glomerata ssp.hispanica (Roth.)Koch III.+ II.+ IV.+
   Sedum sediforme (Jacq) Pau (S. altissimum) III.+ IV.+ I.+
   Helichrysum italicum (Don.) Guss. II.+ III.+ I.+
   Rubus heteromorphus (Ripart.) Gerb. II.+ I.+ III.1
   Melica nebrodensis Parl. III.+ I.+ II.+
   Pallenis microcephala Hal. I.+ III.+ I.+
   Cerastium balearicum Hermann II.+ I.+ III.+
   Silene vulgaris (Mönch) Garcke II.+ I.+ III.+
   Desmazeria rigida (L.) Druce II.+ I.+ II.+
   Lagurus ovatus L. I.+ I.+ III.+
   Heliotropium europaeum L. I.+ I.+ II.+
   Geranium purpureum Vill. I.+ . III.+
   Convolvulus althaeoides ssp.tenuissimus Stac.I.+ . II.+
   Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss. I.+ . II.+
   Elymus pycnanthus (Godr.) Melderis . II.+ III.+
   Anagallis arvensis L. I.+ . III.+
   Echium parviflorum Moench. I.+ . III.+
   Solanum decipiens Opiz. . I.+ III.+
   Carthamus baeticus Boiss.& Reut. I.+ II.+ .
   Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv. I.+ II.+ .
   Capsella rubella Reut. . I.+ II.+
   Lotus cytisoides L. . I.+ I.+
   Urtica pilulifera L. . I.+ I.+
   Foeniculum vulgare ssp. piperitum (Ucr.) Asch.. . II.+
   Hyosciamus albus L. . . II.+
   Hordeum leporinum Link. . . II.+
   Centaurium limonifolium Greut. . . II.+
   Papaver setigerum DC. . I.+ . 

Palagruža: sustav vegetacie


Fitocenološko svrstavanje tipova morske i kopnene vegetacije otočja Palagruža

   (Phytocenological classification of benthic and xeric vegetation in Palagruža isles) 

I. LITHOPHYLLETEA Giac.; sciaphilic phytobenthos of circalittoral belt

  • LITHOPHYLLETALIA Giac.; deeper calcified algae of coralligene formations
    • Lithophyllion Giac.; calcified algae of Mediterranean coralligene formation
      • 1. Phymatolitho-Lithothamnietum coralloidis (Feld.) Giac.; coralligene platform
      • 2. Lithophylletum dentati-racemi (Lorenz) Zal.; infralittoral detritic bottoms
      • 3. Peyssonellietum rosae-marinae (Carp.) Boud.; bottoms with strong currents
      • 4. Crodelio-Halimedetum tunae (Feld.) Giac.; calcified algae in deep cliffs
      • 5. Palmophyllo-Mesophylletum lichenoidis Giac.; incrustations in deepest cliffs
  • RHODYMENIETALIA Boud.; sciaphilic soft algae in deep bottoms and caves
    • Desmarestion Hartog; sciaphilic soft algae in deep circalittoral bottoms
      • 6. Kallymenio-Laminarietum rodriguezii Erceg.; circalittoral detritic bottoms
    • Rhodymenion Boud.; sciaphilic soft algae in lower infralittoral and caves
      • 7. Rytiphloeo-Vidalietum volubilis Lorenz: Zal.; infralittoral detritic bottoms
      • 8. Zanardinio-Codietum bursae Lorenz: Zal.; rocky screes in oblique slopes
      • 9. Flabellio-Peyssonellietum squamariae (Feld.) Mol.; overhangs and cave entrances
    • Petroglossion Boud.; soft algae in stormy overhangs and exposed cave entrances
      • 10. Botryocladietum botryoidis Boud.; warm caves & overhangs, South Mediterranean

II. CYSTOSEIRETEA Giac.; infralittoral photophlic formations of major pheophytes

  • CYSTOSEIRETALIA Mol.; Mediterranean photophilic formations of major pheophytes
    • Sargassion Giac.; Mediterranean major pheophytes in bottoms with strong currents
      • 11. Cystoseiretum zosteroidis (Feld.) Giac.; deeper detritic bottoms with currents
      • 12. Cystoseiretum adriaticae-corniculatae Lov.; infralittoral bottom with currents
    • Cystoseirion crinitae Mol.; infralittoral rocky bottoms with major pheophytes
      • 13. Cystoseiretum crinitae (Feld.) Mol.; infralittoral rocky bottoms in Mediterranean
      • 14. Dictyopteridetum polypodioidis (Berner) Giac.; sheltered infralittoral rocks
      • Cystoseirion strictae Mol.; intertidal rocks with Mediterranean pheophytes
      • 15. Cystoseiretum spicatae Erceg.; exposed intertidal rocks in Adriatic
      • 16. Acetabulario-Padinetum pavonicae Lorenz: Zal.; shalow shingle inlets

III. MELARAPHETEA Giac.; intertidal and supralittoral rocky shores

  • ACROCHAETIETALIA Boud.; Mediterranean intertidal and supralittoral rocks
    • Corallinion (Lorenz: Zal.) Hart.; calcified algae in sublittoral cliffs
      • 17. Ceramio-Corallinetum officinalis (Zal.) Pign.; semiexposed sublittoral cliffs
      • 18. Phymatolitho-Corallinetum elongatae (Feld.) Giac.; stormy sublittoral cliffs
    • Neogoniolitho-Nemodermion Mol.; intertidal incrustations of calcified algae
      • 19. Neogoniolitho-Lithophylletum byssoidis (Feld.) Mol.; semiexposed intertid. rocks
      • 20. Phymatolitho-Lithophylletum incrustantis (Erc.) Giac.; stormy intertidal rocks
    • Ulothrici-Bangion (Lorenz: Zal.) Hartog; soft algae in rocky shores
      • 21. Nemalio-Laurencietum papillosae (Zal.) Kal.Gut.; seasonal algae in tide-pools
      • 22. Hildebrandietum rubrae (Feld.) Giac.; shady intertidal caves and overhangs
      • 23. Catenelletum caespitosae (Lorenz: Zal.) Hart.; supralittoral caves and clefts
  • PLEUROCAPSETALIA Erceg.; cyanobacteria and lichens in supralittoral rocks
    • Scopulonemion hansgirgiani Erc.; epilithic cyanobacteria in sheltered shady rocks
    • Hormathonemion violaceonigri Erc.; endolithic cyanobacteria in open stormy rocks

IV. ZOSTERETEA (Lorenz: Zal.) Pign.; marine benthic grasslands of seagrasses

  • CYMODOCEETALIA Hartog; subtropical grasslands of thermophilic seagrasses
    • Posidonion (Br.Bl.) Mol.; benthic grasslands of Mediterranean seagrasses
      • 24. Posidonietum oceanicae (Br.Bl.) Mol.; Mediterranean seagrass in mobile bottoms

V. PUCCINELLIO-SALICORNIETEA Pign.; supralittoral crassulescent halophytes

  • ARTHROCNEMETALIA (Br.Bl.) Tx.; European frutescent halophytes
    • Arthrocnemion fruticosi Br.Bl.; Mediterranean crassulescent halophytes
      • 25. Arthrocnemetum glauci Br.Bl.; halophytic bushes in rocky shore and reefs
    • Elymo-Artemision (Pign.) Gehu; xero-halophytes in supralittoral shingle
      • 26. Elymo-Inuletum crithmoidis (Br.Bl.) Gehu; stony inlets and tide-pools

VI. CRITHMO-LIMONIETEA Br.Bl.; adlittoral xero-halophytes in aerosaline rocks

  • CRITHMO-LIMONIETALIA Mol.; Mediterranean halophytes in aerosaline rocks
    • Crithmo-Limonion Mol.; Western Mediterranean halophytes in aerosaline rocks
      • 27. Plantagini-Limonietum cancellati Hić.; Adriatic halophytes in aerosaline rocks

VII. SAGINETEA MARITIMAE West.& al.; adlittoral nitro-halophytes in flat shores

  • SAGINETALIA MARITIMAE Tx.; European nitro-halophytes in flat shores
    • Saginion maritimae Tx.; European nitro-halophytes in degraded stony shores
      • 28. Cynodonti-Plantaginetum coronopi (Hić.) Tx.; degraded Adriatic beaches
  • FRANKENIETALIA PULVERULENTAE R.Mart.& al.; subtropical nitro-halophytes
    • Mesembryanthemion crystallini (Berg.) Mart.; xeric Mediterranean nitrohalophytes
      • 29. Mesembryanthemo-Suaedetum Bergen; Southern Mediterranean nitro-halophytes

VIII. ASPLENIETEA TRICHOMANIS (Br.Bl.).Ober.; chasmophytes in abrupt cliffs

  • ASPLENIETALIA GLANDULOSI Br.Bl.; xeric chasmophytes in Mediterranean cliffs
    • Centaureo-Campanulion Hić.; chasmophytes in Karst cliffs of eastern Adriatic
      • 30. Phagnalo-Centaureetum ragusinae Hić.; sea-cliffs of middle Dalmatia
  • PARIETARIETALIA (Mart.) Goday; nitro-xerophytes in old walls and ruins
    • Asplenio-Umbilicion (Segal) Fouc.; Mediterranean ruins and old walls
      • 31. Asplenio-Umbilicetum horizontalis Hić.; Adriatic ruins and old walls

IX. ONOPORDETEA ACANTHII (Br.Bl.) Falin.; European prickly ruderals

  • CARTHAMETALIA LANATI Brullo & Marceno; South European prickly ruderals
    • Scolymo-Carthamion Goday & Borja; xeric prickly ruderals in Mediterranean
      • 32. Scolymo-Marrubietum incani Hić.; xeric prickly ruderals at Adriatic

X. THERO-BRACHYPODIETEA Br.Bl.; Mediterranean xeric grasslands

  • CYMBOPOGO-BRACHYPODIETALIA Hić.; xeric graslands in SW. Balkans
    • Cymbopogoni-Brachypodion Hic.; xeric grasslands in Dalmatian coastal Karst
      • 33. Asphodelo-Chrysopogonetum gryli Hiæ.; aerosaline grasslands in Adriatic islands
      • 34. Oryzopsidetum miliaceae Hiæ.; nitro-xeric grasslands in degraded coastal Karst
    • Inulo-Artemision lobelii (Hić.) Trić.; exposed grasslands in coastal Karst
      • 35. Desmazerio-Sedetum anopetali Pold.; xeric grassland in windswept Karst rocks

XI. QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.Bl.; Mediterranean evergreen and wintergreen woods

  • QUERCETALIA ILICIS Br.Bl.; Mediterranean evergreen woods and maquis scrub
      • 36. fragment Laurus nobilis-Rubus heteromorphus prov.; northern slope of Palagruža
  • PISTACIO-RHAMNETALIA ALATERNI R.Mart.; South Mediterranean shrublands
    • Thymelaeion hirsutae (Eig) Tadros; wintergreen scrub of southern Mediterranean
      • 37. Asparago-Euphorbietum dendroidis (Guin.& Drou.) Eich.; xeric wintergreen scrub
      • 38. Lavatero-Capparetum orientalis Lov.; nitro-xeric southern scrub in deeper soil
      • 39. Lycio-Artemisietum arborescentis Lov.; ultraxeric scrub in south yerma slopes


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Enlarged and elaborated by GNU-license almost from Adriatic-Chakavian WikiSlavia. [uredi] Reference

Original condensed report elaborated by above entitled authors (A.Z. Lovric & M. Rac 2003) within the enclosed sub-project WikiFlora Adriatica: if quoted may be copied and distributed as free source without changes.